TBD on Ning

To the users of the Nook app on PCs or other devices:  I just noticed--don't know if it's been going on for a while or what--that Barnes & Noble has started having more & more of their Nook books only available to be read on actual Nook's, *not* with the app on any other device.  I got caught & purchased a Nook book I won't be able to read since I have the app only; yeah, they did warn me but it was a tiny little warning that I didn't notice 'till right at the moment I clicked on the buy button, sigh.  I'm not even going to try calling B&N since they did warn me and I guess I'd do the same if I were B&N in this competitive market.  (But I hope Amazon doesn't start doing that with the Kindle books; I love my tablet, don't wanna Kindle or Nook!)  Anyway, be warned.

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