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Thanks to Carolyn Tewell for reminding us it's time to share our reads for July. 

Tonight, July 1, I'm finishing Lisa Genova's LOVE ANTHONY.  Tomorrow am picking up at library the book recently recommended by several of you, THE PROFESSIONALS by Owen Laukkanen. 

What's on your plate for this month? 

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Picked up a copy of "The Racketeer" by John Grisham.  Grisham never fails to entertain, as a prison convict and former lawyer has a tip for the FBI on who recently murdered a prominent judge and his girlfriend at their mountain retreat. 

I finished off the "While We Were Watching Downton Abbey" novel  by Wendy Wax.  I also got through all the episodes of this wonderful British period drama that has the world abuzz in anticipation of Season 4.  The filming and recreation of the era of the early 19th century nobility is absolutely magnificent and well worth the watching, especially if done in order. It is available from local libraries and through the internet.  If you don't belong to a service, it about $1.99 an episode.  The Wax novel is a charming story of three women who live in an Atlanta luxury apartment who meet weekly to view the drama.  

I finished The Ocean At The End Of The Lane yesterday...  what a weird book...  fantasy horror genre...

Started The Last Mountain Man and put it down after 41 pages...  boring and gruesome are not a good combination for me.

Now I'm reading a non-fiction which is not my favorite genre but that little pooch in the picture on the left is named Boo so thought I'd give it a try since it's titled A Dog Called Boo and was given to us as a gift... It's more about her dysfunctional life than the dog so far... I'll give it about 100 pages and if it doesn't get better, it'll be donated to the library...

That's 4 bad books in a row...  HELP!  I need something good to read!

Carci...you cracking me up!

Now that I finished "Suspect" by Robert Crais...which was over the top wonderful...very tough to find an equal book. I'm giving "Massacre Pond" a try. Rejected...what's her name...Alex Karas? Sounds like that...I'll tell you next time when I'm on my regular computer so can do a Google while I'm open here on TDB. Probably is a way on the IPAD...need a training class.

Rejected a book by an Author I love, Charlie Huston...how can such a good writer get into some sort of convoluted mystery...story. "Skinner" was the Title. If I had a 27 year old geek/nerd friend who likes futuristic mayhem...then he could read and interpret for me? I have both of those qualities...but the elder mind could not compute? DRAT!

Non fiction...so glad I read "Autopsy of an American City" by Charlie Duff...could grasp the Bankruptsy of Detroit with a clear understanding. When I think back to the 50's and how Cleveland defaulted on their finances...tally 16 Million...peanuts compared to what is facing Mo-town.~mlo
Actual Author name.

Alex Kava

Actual Title of Book


Couldn't get into it...did I not give enuf time? Thought it was recommended?

Yes, I loved Suspect as well...  hard to follow a book that good...

Finished THE ASTRONAUT WIVES CLUB last night.    Excellent read!!!  Picked up BLUE HIGHWAYS today.  Think it was recommended by Mandy Muffin.

Looking for something a little off-beat with a movie tie-in?  I'm about half way through "The Company You Keep," Neil Gordon, that is also a film just out that stars Robert Redford.  The story is told entirely through E-Mails.  It follows the Weather Underground, a notorious group of anti-Vietnam (and other social issues) terrorists who were sought by police throughout the country after a series of robberies and bombings.  We all lived through those terrible days of the sixties and early seventies when youth was on a rampage due to a perceived lack of justice they saw in the system. We know some of the story, as it appeared in newspapers, but this novel gets inside the story and makes you think.  I am looking forward to comparing the book to the movie.  http://www.amazon.com/The-Company-Keep-movie-tie/dp/0143123874

After finishing the "The Company You Keep," I gave a big sigh and reflected on the time that has elapsed between the Vietnam Era and the modern day.  It was a gripping tale of crime and atonement as the well meaning rebels against a government they considered oppressive ended in tragic murder of a bank guard with a family.  I will list this book on my top 10 this year because of the gut wrenching emotions it brought out in me. I can remember long discussions on the war/civil right and other issues of the day.  But I didn't get a bunch of dynamite or a gun and try to do something to overthrow the government.  These intellectuals from the University of Michigan did.  I can't wait to see the movie. 

I am now reading "The Hit" by Baldacci.  Two assassins -- a male and a female -- are going to face off.  They will either kill each other or make love or whatever professional assassins call it when they don't draw blood.   

Mandy - I'm reading/listening to Baldacci's Total Control - it was written in 1997  - a really good story so far - love the AMAZEMENT and joy of a character logging on to AOL - WOW! You've got mail!  Yes, it is about a High Tech company which the dynamics sound so limited considering how far our connecting has come in 16 years. But I like the wife, named Sidney and her struggles to find out about her missing husband.  It could fall apart as I'm about 1/3 way thru - that has been happening to me lately.  

Disappointing - Massacre Pond - by Paul Doiron - the other books in the Series with Maine Game Warden  Mike Bowditch were much better. (The Poachers Son was one - can't think of the other Titles at the moment)

I just finished Finding Rebecca... A story of Love & the Holocaust.  This was a Kindle freebee from a couple of months ago.  It was pretty good...(better than the past 4).

Now I'm reading Tahoe Avalanche which is part of a series by Todd Borg.  Like his stories, love his characters, a bit of humor along the way and a great dog, Spot, who is much a part of every book.  He does tend to have some dumb endings in some of the others I've read... hoping for a better one this time.  




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