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From Jefferson Bass' Facebook page:

For three days, Amazon and Barnes & Noble are offering our second novel, FLESH AND BONE, free for Kindle and Nook readers. Please share, to help us meet great new readers like you!

I love these books. Jefferson Bass is the writing combo of Jon Jefferson (journalist) and Dr. William Bass, the originator of of University of TN Body Farm up in Knoxville. I own all these books in hardback but couldn't pass up a free deal for my Nook!

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Thanks, couldn't download to iPad. Had to put on my wish list and then can download to my computer.

It is the Free Friday book from Barnes & Noble and since you have spoken so highly of the series, I downloaded it first thing this morning.  So many books on my Nook, but I still keep gong to the library for real books.  I do have to admit the other night I tried to turn the page on the book I was reading by flipping my finger across the page and it took a minute to figure out why it wouldn't work!!

I am SO glad to hear I'm not the only one that does that, Ursula! Or think my book will go into sleep mode if I leave it alone for too long!

I always check the B&N Free Friday book - don't always download but I hadn't seen where both B&N & Amazon were offering the same book.




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