TBD on Ning

Have been reading up a storm  lately.  Habitually head to bed at 11:00 pm and read until 3:00-4:00am crawling out at 11:00am. Guess it comes from years of being a night nurse! Definitely not a morning person!!

Here are the three books I'm returning to library.  Still have 10 piled by bed, all of which can be renewed. 

FAITHFUL by Alice Hoffman, who has never disappointed me.  Her THE DOVEKEEPERS is one of my all time fav reads!

Eileen by Ottessa Moshfegh.  The story revolves around a disturbed young woman who worked as a secretary at a private prison facility for teenage boys.

In a Hitchcockian twist, her affection for a new counselor ultimately pulls her into complicity in a crime that surpasses her wildest imaginings. 

and a totally lovely novella (76 pages) from Fredrik Backman, the author of A MAN CALLEED OVE.    The novella is AND EVERY MORNING THE WAY HOME GETS LONGER AND LONGER.  This novella tells of how a Grandpa and his young grandson learn to say good-bye.

...........and what are you reading? Anything new in your life? 

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Have read two terrific books over the past week.  Highly recommend both!

THE RECKONING by John Grisham

THE BOY  by Tami Hoag

Westminster Dog Show tonight so will get late start with new book THE RED ADDRESS BOOK by Sofia Lundberg

What are you reading??????

Currently reading "A Gentleman in Moscow".  Trying to figure what all the hype was about.  It is an OK read, but not something I will remember for a long time. Not finished with it yet, I could get surprised?!

Next read is "Orphan Train" which I had read when it first came out.  But I have to do this re-read because I am moderating the discussion at my library book group next month!  Well, it is worth a re-read!  

I am half way through Long Road to Mercy by David Baldacci. The book presents a new protagonist, a female FBI agent named Atlee Pine who is stationed at or near the Grand Canyon. It is good, a rather typical Baldacce novel, I suppose. If you like his books, you will probably like this one, too. With all the cold and snow up here in Minnesota, about all I have been doing is sitting in my apartment and reading. (Thank God for books.)

Hmmmmmmm...Something funny going on. You know how the program gives you 15 minutes to edit and make corrections to a post? Well, I just tried to do it and correct my misspelling of "Baldacci." Rather than letting me do so, the page just flipped to the top and left the original post as it was. Oh well!

Loruach, I finished the Baldacci book a couple weeks ago. Good read but not my favorite Baldacci.  

Please let me know how you feel about the ending.

Hope you're on the reserve list for THE BOY  by Tami Hoag.  It's one of those hard to put down books!

This year I am trying to keep better track of my reading.  Last year I was all over the place and not really keeping track so I didn't meet my GoodReads Challenge and continue to add to it as I remember more.

Right now I am enjoying David Baldacci's  "True Blue" as an audiobook downloaded from my public library through the Libby app.  A new group of characters investigate what may be a conspiracy at the highest levels of government.  Who are the good guys and what is the real purpose behind the secret effort to "fight domestic terrorism".  

Have finished a most heartwarming debut novel by Swedish author Sofia Lundberg!  In fact I've already had Amazon send a copy to a dear friend in a care facility in North Carolina. Although she is bedridden we can chat about books as we've done since being teenagers!

THE RED ADDRESS BOOK is about a 96 year old woman who writes down the memories of her eventful life as she pages through her decades-old address book.  But the most profound moment of her life is still to come!

Hope you enjoy the story as much as I did!

This year I am trying to keep better track of my reading.  Last year I was all over the place and not really keeping track so I didn't meet my GoodReads Challenge and continue to add to it as I remember more.

Right now I am enjoying David Baldacci's  "True Blue" as an audiobook downloaded from my public library through the Libby app.  A new group of characters investigate what may be a conspiracy at the highest levels of government.  Who are the good guys and what is the real purpose behind the secret effort to "fight domestic terrorism"?  I'm playing it on my IBook while I wander around the house, trying to keep moving, putting things away, and filling boxes for donation.  I have my television placed in the fireplace where I'm playing a fire video for atmosphere.  It's still snowy outside but I'm happy to be cozy inside with lots to do.

Making Faces by Amy Harmon.......it made me cry

Ambrose Young was beautiful. The kind of beautiful that graced the covers of romance novels, and Fern Taylor would know. She'd been reading them since she was thirteen. But maybe because he was so beautiful he was never someone Fern thought she could have...until he wasn't beautiful anymore.
Making Faces is the story of a small town where five young men go off to war, and only one comes back. It is the story of loss. Collective loss, individual loss, loss of beauty, loss of life, loss of identity.

Last Bus to Wisdom, by Ivan Doig

Donal Cameron is being raised by his grandmother, the cook at the legendary Double W ranch in Ivan Doig’s beloved Two Medicine Country of the Montana Rockies, a landscape that gives full rein to an eleven-year-old’s imagination. But when Gram has to have surgery for “female trouble” in the summer of 1951, all she can think to do is to ship Donal off to her sister in faraway Manitowoc, Wisconsin. There Donal is in for a rude surprise: Aunt Kate–bossy, opinionated, argumentative, and tyrannical—is nothing like her sister. She henpecks her good-natured husband, Herman the German, and Donal can’t seem to get on her good side either. After one contretemps too many, Kate  packs him back to the authorities in Montana on the next Greyhound. But as it turns out, Donal isn’t traveling solo: Herman the German has decided to fly the coop with him. In the immortal American tradition, the pair light out for the territory together, meeting a classic Doigian ensemble of characters and having rollicking misadventures along the way.




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