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Now that August is here, are you finding any cool spots to curl up with a good book?  Will be 103 here tomorrow! 

I'm about 2/3 finished with THE NEVER LIST by Koethi Zan.  The story is very timely as it deals with some girls held captive for three years in a dungeon-like cellar by a connoisseur of sadism. Sound familiar?


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Moved...can't find a spatula for making breakfast? Wooden spoon for scrambled egg whites? Living on Advil for life in the box zone?

Ray and Usula...I short cut the "Gone Girl" and read the ending. No Spoiler. Maybe appeals to 30 Somethings who have lost jobs...conflicting life-styles?

Mandy...OK, I'll bite! Game of Thrones...order from Library on Audio. Now, the length does not worry me. I listened to all the AudioBooks from Clan of Cave Bears (Earth'sChildren) series...hundreds of hours...twice! Plus read via hard copy the first 3 Books. So I'll give it a shot...loved Twilight Zones, which I understand he was a contributor. Also I loved the Ken Follett series...plus I love Merry Olde England stuff. Get back to you on my analysis.~mellowgal

I read both "Clan of the Cave Bear" series and the "Ken Follett" series (awaiting the third book).  I am nut over series that take on a huge scale of story telling.  I did the second book of the Follett series on tape, as I had a long trip to take last year.  But I am enjoying the esoteric world of the world of "The Game of Thrones."  It is described as the best fantasy series of all time. It has me hooked.  I want to read every word.  I want to live in the make-believe  world of the fantasy. One review said it took 64 hours to read the first three books.  But what else have I got to do?  But if I am going to read it, I am going to experience it with as many helpful tools as are available. 

Just finished The 9TH Girl by Tami Hoag.  After more than thirty bestsellers, she can still write a good story.

Gee 450+ views! Thanks RAPA!

I am about 1/2 way through ""Light of the World"...~James Lee Burke... fans will ponder and enjoy, I'm thinking...me, one of them, of course.

Read in hard cover.."Circle of Friends" by Charlie Gasperino. This is why the average stock investor struggles to compete with insider trading on Wall Street. Yes, he talks Bernie Madolff and Martha Stewart...Now, those who know me...will understand that if anything happened to my marriage...I want Charlie as my mate. The Guy is funny, smart and so cool...in a common guy kind of way. This book is for serious followers of the Wall Street Journal and FOX Business News.

Hey, every Gal has to have a hobby? ~mellowgal

BTW, MLO, did you read THE GHOSTS OF MANHATTAN by Douglas Brunt?  Yes, we get the WSJ and watch Cavuto.

WHAT? I just write that down...I wanted to choose Cavuto for my next mate...but he is too young? LOL...Actually, I think Charlie mentions that book in his writings. Put it on my List. Thanks, as always!~mlo

Keep in mind that THE GHOSTS OF MANHATTAN is fiction based on author's knowledge of Wall Street traders.

"Dog Gone It" ***so now that we have moved into a house that has NO Washer and dryer, yet ...I had to make a jaunt to a Laundromat. How to stay sane? I brought along the Chet/Bernie mystery on Audiobook and am very entertained. Now, I did try this book a few years ago...think it came out in 2009 or 2010. At the time it seemed too ...contrived, hypothetical, fantasy, ...then my Daughter adopted a Boxer, then a Golden Retriever and then an Australian Shepherd! So after babysitting these creatures ongoing...the book makes total sense!!! I've recommended for her to read as well and I just started the dang thing! Who knew?~mlo

Getting ready to read Stephen Whites "Compound Fractures" just came out yesterday, went to lecture and book signing for him last night. It is the end of a 20 book series over 20 years. Hate to see it end, like loosing old friends.In one book club we are getting ready to read "The Elegance of the Hedge hog" and the other we are reading "Sleep walkers"

Wow you certainly have a diverse reading list Eaglewoman - let me know how you like Stephen White's book, I have read most of his and liked them - I hate that he is ending the series too but hope that he continues on writing.  I am reading Michael Koryta's - Tonight I said Goodbye.  It was his first and what a great book for a 21 year old, have read 3 others and liked them all.  Also reading Owen Laukkanen's - Criminal Enterprise.  Both these authors recommended here.  Not enough time to read all the good books but am trying.  LOL

listening to  a civil war series by James Reasoner, several books all with the title of a famous battle, written from the southern point of view (The narrator exaggerates the southern accents). The books follow one family through the war. Good so far. I'm reading a James Patterson book, Bones.  I'm not a big Patterson fan but it's a good book so far. Ordered Zen and The Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.

Finished The Informationist by Taylor Stevens and have started the second one in the Vanessa Michael Monroe series, The Innocent.

I found the first book interesting and liked the fact that the main character was a woman but she has been compared to Reacher and I don't think that's accurate.  Reacher is controlled and thoughtful whereas Michael is a little crazy... seems to have PTSD and is completely out of control at times. I really don't like her much.  The second book is full of her bloody nightmares which I could do without... but I like the premise of the book so will finish it.




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