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For some of us, summer brings on some problems. The heat affects us more.
Does it bother you? and how?
What do you do to relieve your stress?

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I never could take the heat, I grew up in the Sacramento Valley, temperatures were in 95-100+, and it was not surprising to see them over 110. I hated it. I don't do heat well whether I was 100 lbs or 300. I just seem blah, lose my appetite, drink water, coffee (both hot and iced). I drag my butt everywhere. I tend to stay in, and do any shopping early.
I have to force myself to do things. I have yet to figure out something surefire to help during this time.
I love the heat which is the exact opposite of my history/past. However I live near Chicago and we haven't had much heat at all except four days in June. It's just a weird summer. I want to swim without freezing my butt all the way back to my apartment and it just isn't happening this year.
hi folks.
now that i have gotten into my 50's and after various surgeries, yes absolutely the heat and humidity does get to me! i used to have no problem with the heat. i grew up in the vast praries of wyoming. the heat was often in the 100+ range for days on end. the biggest problem i had was with the cold, and wyoming has a lot of cold.

after moving east to the philadelphia area i discovered humidity, and add the heat i was a sweating machine. but i just kept working. sure the heat was bothersome, but i just kept going.

several years ago, i had my colon (large intestine) removed. now i know more about the human anatomy than anyone should ever know. as an example, the colon is where the body gets most of its moisture through the large intestine. now, i have a real problem with dehydration, overheating, and getting ill, faint, and once sent to the hospital because i was dehydrated. now i have to drink, drink, drink liquid. i am so tired of drinking all that water.

so i have to take care of myself so much more.

I play tennis 3-4 times a week (yes, I am a fat tennis player!) Summer is my least favorite time because of the heat and the bugs. I've played tournaments in 100+ heat, and it's just no fun. Drink, drink, drink water, deal with all of that water in your tummy while running around the court. I'm fair skinned, and when I get hot I turn red. NOT a good look :) I play tennis to relieve stress..nice to whack that lil yellow ball and get it all out
I used to play tennis some...never thought of it for stress...sounds good tho. I usually kick something, and suffer a bruised toe!
Yes, The heat bothered me as a chubby child and has all my life. Especially more from about 10yrs ago when I was dianosed as having Asthma, Air conditioning is my only relief. That's why I live in New England.
While I am all for hot and wet and bothered women (don't u just love an honest man?)--I do have to admit that this hot and wet weather is starting to take it tool on me here. The east coast been flooded with lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of rain for some reason this year. On days that we do get the sun out--all of the extra water in the air seem to be getting a double dosed of humidity, and that just doesn't feel good to the body. Add to that the fact that we just get out of a el nino that was hanging over us for almost 3 weeks--made for even more uncomfortable feelings.




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