TBD on Ning

This is completely just for laughs.... Do NOT think of posting anything serious or thought provoking here...EVER!






I mean it...... :-)

Tags: dead thread, key holder, roflmao, tickle me please

Views: 16231

Replies to This Discussion

Or when you embed off of youtube, simply check the box that says...Use old embed code. Then copy and paste straight to the TBD "Reply" box.

Who knew Granny Smith was a kitten's worst enemy?


That made my morning......

Thanks Bob, that was the plan.
OMG!!!  "When in doubt, wash"!!
Q: Where was the Declaration of Independence signed?
A: At the bottom.

hahaha, funes

thanks for the youtube info guys; just wasn't working like it used to!


Okay, this makes me laugh every time I watch it:

Good one RT.

Looks like RT is our night time operator. Standing by, waiting to take your calls.

That's right, Robbie, just posting here on breaks from my job on the Home Debt Network.
That cat has some serious identity problems...
Thanks for the morning giggles....




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