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What CRIME, if made legal, would you start committing tomorrow?

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Shoot tail gate'rs and lane changers.

Yes,  lane changers then they slow down .

The douches sure do lol ...

Since it's still illegal, I'll take the 5th...

Take our dog with us to restaurants, hotels, anywhere it's not allowed now.


MY neighbor has a service dog vest for his dog (and he is not a service dog) anyways,  they put that on him and his dog goes everywhere they go. 

This is hard for me. I suffer from Catholic guilt, lol.

i confess that sometimes i want to help darwin along a tad....

Oh, yeah, clean out the gene pool...very tempting...

well, picture this...all four men running for the republican ticket for the lt governor's office in texas are against abortion, even in the case of rape or incest.....and want to toss roe vs wade out entirely...and as one puts it so sanctimoniously and unctuously: 'we have to protect our womens health'......free facepalms and headslaps....you didn't know you were THAT stupid that you had to have the 'daddy state' and men looking out for you did you?




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