TBD on Ning

Time to turn the page on the calender...November came slipping in and soon it will be Thanksgiving. 

The wind is howling today stirring up the leaves and giving us a taste of winter. 

Time to light the fire in an attempt to keep us toasty warm.

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Good afternoon, Richard and Lynn, and all who will be here later!

George and I got our errands done, having a quiet day now.

Enjoy the rest of your day!

thanks for stopping by, Goldilocks!  seems like you guys had a pretty chilly day there!

Hey all....yep I am still alive. I finally let Ward haul me to the ER...AFTER...I attended the musical and watched Kiefer in his debut performance. He did a great job, danced like only a 15 year old can dance when coerced to do so by the music teacher. The doc gave me some horse pills and if I am not improved in 48 hours to come back and they will run a CT. He thought it might have gotten a lucky combination of muscular skeletal something, gastritis and a urinary tract infection. I'm still fighting the pain, it isn't a intense, but hope it gets better tomorrow. 

Good to see all the familiar faces!!

ooooohh, RRC, i am glad you finally dragged your self to the ER.  typical momma, had to tend the kid stuff first, tho'.  i hope the horse pills cure you so you don't have to be tortured by any more docs....

good Sunday, everyone!  bright and sunny here, a gorgeous day!

yesterday, i finally unwrapped the last of the "stuff" -- my pictures for hanging on the walls!  needed to remember what they were, and now, need to contemplate what might go where and what returns to some form of storage 'til the next place.

Next place?  LOL  Good afternoon Lynn and RRC.  Lookin' like it might rain any minute here today.  Doesn't matter, I am warm, cozy, and ready for the NASCAR race in Phoenix.  I have a couple errands to do after the race or a nap.  Which ever comes first.  lol  Hope you all are having a good day and weekend so far.

yes, Richard, there will have to be a next place.  the two flights of stairs here will be navigable (with devious planning) for a couple more years but not indefinitely, getting groceries into the house is just too damned hard!

thanks for placing today's race for me, good memory1  just so strange to think of them running in CA and AZ and Mexico and Canada....  i used to think NY state was bad, LOL!

Good Monday morning.  Did anyone see which way the weekend slipped by?  It's mid November and moving fast.  Can we have late Spring now?  Have a good work week friends.

Morning...Heading out for my yearly Mammogram, gotta make sure the girls are okay. My Mom has had breast cancer so this is an important thing to me. I haven't had coffee in a week due to being sick. May treat myself when I am done. 
Gorgeous day here, glad I can get out and enjoy it!! 

i hope you're feeling good enough for coffee, RRC!  that would be a really good sign.  as for the mammogram, well, bummer that you couldn't reschedule it (easily) for a day when you actually feel good, but wth, might as well get it over with.

good monday morning to you, Richard!  the weekend went the way of all lost time, down and out.  hope you had a few memorable moments, at least!

hi to those who come later....

RRC I hope the results of the smashing of the "girls" are good news.  Lucky you, I have it on good authority coffee hasn't changed while you were ill.  It's still the good ol' stuff it has been.  :-)

tuesday, and i'm late, but i got here.  nobody's lurking around to greet me, and i'm feeling the need for munchies to go w/ my pre-dinner drink, so here, please share with me!

Yummmmmm!  Thank you for sharing those nachos.  I have to wait another hour or so to pick up Sharon then I can have a drink.  *crunch crunch crunch*




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