TBD on Ning

Time to turn the page on the calender...November came slipping in and soon it will be Thanksgiving. 

The wind is howling today stirring up the leaves and giving us a taste of winter. 

Time to light the fire in an attempt to keep us toasty warm.

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Hi Lynn.... not a bad day at all.  Relaxing and not filling.  I am glad you had a good day and home safe.  Now it's getting psych'd up for Christmas.  *heavy sigh*

good morning, Richard.  yes, Christmas is coming.  if we can ignore the commercial hype, we might get thru, but it'll be hard.  at 10:15 last nite, as i approached home, the WalMart parking lot was full to the corners!  i was stunned!

Good morning Lynn!  That's downright traumatic.  I imagine the parking lot will be full for the next few weeks.

Good morning, Lynn and Richard!

George and I are staying home today, we don't do Black Friday either.

Hi Goldilocks!  Thanks for stopping by.  You and George have a great weekend.

hi, Goldilocks!  hope you and George had a good day, yesterday!

i met up with Coral today, had a great visit w/ her and her immediate family.  

I just watched the Back Yard Brawl. WVU won by 1 point. To bad none of the Pittsburg people are still on here. I could rub it in. This may be the last time they play due to all the conference shuffling going on.

Hi Robbie thats worth a visit to Facebook to rub it in.  LOL  I am going to watch the Civil War.... U of O/OSU tomorrow.

Saturday shopping?  this is the day set aside for hometown small businesses.  well, i won't be shopping there either.  i suppose that makes me an equal opportunity ignore-er.  ok, I'd shop Veez if i were anywhere near Kansas, Crystal, but there won't be much shopping to do.  my kids get my money all year round, so they get trinkets now.  ok, i suppose my annual Virginia Diner peanut order counts, but that's a small local business.

Popping in as we close the store....been another crazy, busy day. Lots of folks are happy and will make others happy on Christmas. 
Heading home to put my feet up!! 

glad these coupla' days have been good for business, Crystal!  it was worth all your hard work!

RRC, I was flipping through the TV channels this evening and came across a program on the weater channel. I was the Storm Riders chasing tornados just East of Russel Kansas.




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