TBD on Ning

Time to turn the page on the calender...November came slipping in and soon it will be Thanksgiving. 

The wind is howling today stirring up the leaves and giving us a taste of winter. 

Time to light the fire in an attempt to keep us toasty warm.

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better late than never.  had a 10 am conference call, which unscheduled the whole day.  plus never-ending fog, the best it got was ~1 mile visibility, until after the sun went down, now i can see bright lights in the distance.  

hope your storm letup early, Richard.  street flooding must've made it difficult to pick up Sharon, but she's worth it1

2" rain today Lynn.  The storm let up around 5pm.  Yup high water in lots of places.  Everyone I saw (including me) proceeded with caution.  Yes Sharon is worth it and then some.

looks like you're gonna' get some more rain today.  yikes!  we've got wind and cooler, something's blowing in but it won't be rain.  at least the sun's peeking thru, i'd about had enough gray.


Yeah I am experiencing more rain but not as heavy as the 2" yesterday.  So far today a measly .3".  It's warm though, 50 to 55.

pretty pink sunset, lots of wind today, frost tonite, but the sun has been in and out, at least!

here's hoping that you have a good meal to be thankful tomorrow, shared with people you love!

I'll be making the rounds of my kids and heading home pretty late, so i might not get here tomorrow, but i'll be thinking of you!

Happy Thanksgiving to the regulars here -- Richard, Ruby Red Crystal, and Robbie (sometimes) -- and anyone else who stops by!

Right back atcha Lynn!  Drive carefully tomorrow, enjoy your kids, food, and the spirit of thanks to what we have.


Crystal I hope you and yours have a wonderful time tomorrow.


Robbie you too!  Does Happy get a drumstick?  LOL  Ok a doggie drumstick then.  *sigh*

thanks for your good wishes.  i trust you and Sharon will have a good day, and that you'll give your critters a treat of some sort (if only for me!)  hugs to both of you, Richard!

Sorry to be so late. Spent most of the Day running around. Pru was  here this morning, She is now on her way to a big family Thanksgiving gathering in South Texas. Late this afternoon I took Happy to a big dog park here. 10 acres, at least, One mud puddle. Yep, he found it. But they also have water hoses outside on concrete pads so I got him hosed off.

The RV park is having a big pot luck tomorrow. I taking Geen Beans that I bought from a really good resturant across the street.

Bought my fishing license today, so good times are ahead.

Happy Thanksgiving All.

One pecan pie in the oven..getting ready to start on the cranberry apple. Sounds like everyone has some great plans for tomorrow. I bet your green beans will be a real hit. We are picking up Calder on our way to my folks...I am guessing we will find plenty to eat. And we all have so much to be thankful for don't we. Sure am glad I found all you guys. 

Sounds like Happy had a good day...nothing like mud puddles and dogs..except maybe kids.


glad you stopped in, Robbie, and i hope your day goes well, tomorrow.  no surprise, Happy found the mud puddle -- the only way to avoid that would be to keep him on leash always!  thanks for the update on Pru!

Crystal, wishing you a great family day for Thanksgiving!  hope you're totally well, by now.

hope your Thanksgiving was grand.  i'm back home, safe'n'sound.  going to visit Coral tomorrow, at her parents, about a half hour away -- excited to see her and her family again!




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