TBD on Ning

Can you guess who these tbder's are? They hang out in Q&A & the Forum.

I've had a little creative fun today w/an avatar maker.

Please bear with me, as the program had lots of limitations, so I often could not

get the features right, but I tried my best. 



...and if there are any tbders whom I missed that have your pics as your avatars & would like me to make one for you, please let me know. Or send me a pic if you want. Or create one yourself. The site is www.faceyourmanga.com




And now for a little guessing game.... who are these avatars?? '-)

Tags: Does this avatar make my butt look big?, Is that who I think it is?, Oh, you look mahvelous today!

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Isn't that just like snarky high school management funes?  When I was a senior in high school I put "carnival barker" as my expected life's occupation.  My bio never made it into the yearbook.


I thought I was over it......until NOW! 


Did the admin know you?

Deez, some of the threads are kinda hard to follow now.....which avatars haven't been identified yet?

yeah, I know they got messed up when I tried to, well, nm, it's complicated & ridiculous. ;-p

I just went back & saw that you got P.A. - Yay!

There's only one left & I had a terrible time trying to create likenesses of she & her mate - 

I knew they were unique, but, sheesh! they're so unique I couldn't capture their features with

the avatar program! (the mate thing is a hint '-)

Oh, wait a sec....Diana?
I don't know which avatar to look at anymore....so I'm just guessing!  ;O
Yes! It's Kittycat! Yay! And that's Larry beneath her. He always has a great big smile in all the pics I've seen of him. I gave him the biggest one the program has, but it doesn't do his own smile justice. sigh... I tried.
I guessed Larry, and it looked like Robbie had beat me to the punch.  I didn't pick up the fact that Kittycat was in there too.

presenting funesthememorious, sans Mike Tyson tat-

At least it didn't come out looking like Bernie Madoff...I get mistaken for him a lot.




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