TBD on Ning

Can you guess who these tbder's are? They hang out in Q&A & the Forum.

I've had a little creative fun today w/an avatar maker.

Please bear with me, as the program had lots of limitations, so I often could not

get the features right, but I tried my best. 



...and if there are any tbders whom I missed that have your pics as your avatars & would like me to make one for you, please let me know. Or send me a pic if you want. Or create one yourself. The site is www.faceyourmanga.com




And now for a little guessing game.... who are these avatars?? '-)

Tags: Does this avatar make my butt look big?, Is that who I think it is?, Oh, you look mahvelous today!

Views: 88

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okay, gang- there's still a couple of the avatars that haven't been guessed yet.

Come on, we're so close! '-)

In 5th Grade



At 21

At 25

Me in blue shirt with beer in each hand but only one cig.  living healthy before it was cool.


oh, Robbie... you have just bettered w/age! The now one - be still my heart!

(I think your ears have gotten a little longer since we met for dinner last year)

Hubba hubba....:-)

omg - what a handsome lad!

and sweet looking.

and stylish! what's up w/that necklace, mr. fashion plate?


okay, that ^^^ was in reference to the 5th grade one.


This v v v is in reference to the age 21 one -


WOW! you were hawt, mr. robbie!


The first picture of Robbie....Check out the eyes.....You look like you already have a clue.....Cute kid btw.

your dacatiman is a handsome guy, TBDeez.  You are also a great looking lady!  Bet you two are striking together! i gotta check out this place to make an icon pic of myself- but you all know what i look like, i never disguised it

Sorry about that!  LOL!




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