TBD on Ning

Suggestions anyone?

Right now take-out Chinese sounds good. Except my favorite place doesn't deliver and I don't want to go out. In the heat. And the rain. And the Tornado warning.


Do you like Chinese food?




Views: 11847

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My sentiments exactly!
Same reason they make the 'vegan' riblets which are quite delish! 
Salad with leftover Parmesan chicken tenders
This sounds pretty good, Q, especially if the chicken tenders are on the salad, and topped with Peppercorn Ranch Dressing.
What are the chances of you guessing exactly right?!?!

A little Twilight Zone...
Discriminating tastes, Q, discriminating tastes!  ;-0
I'd rather have had any one of the above mentioned dinners!
Baked chicken, polenta & steamed broccoli. So so.
We had breakfast for dinner: Bacon, Scrambled Eggs w/cheese, tomatoes & toast w/blackberry jam. mmm...
Fixed smoked chix sausage w/pile sauteed  onions, peppers & splash of balsamic on a toasted  bun w/swiss cheese & mustard.  It was darn good!!!
George and I had macaroni and cheese tonight.
Hi Goldi!

Mac and cheese sounds good!
I had chicken and peas over pasta. Blah.




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