TBD on Ning

Often confused with Memorial Day, which is a day to honor those who died in service, Veterans Day honors all those who have served honorably in the military, in wartime or peacetime.

Tags: Thanks for your service!, military members, protecting our freedom

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investing in peace...
thank you for lives of service
protecting freedom

This is for an ex-girlfriend friend who is a Colonel in the Army. She's in the Transportation Corps, and has been in every "police action" the United States has had for over 25 years. Often in combat, she has been decorated many times. Her BDUs were displayed at the Women In Military Service For America Memorial in Washington, DC.

She's physically tiny--under 5 feet tall and petite--but she's tall in emotional stature and strong as an ox, physically and mentally. She is well-respected and loved by her command, never hesitating to make the hard calls or put herself in harms way. 

She is a single mother. She is also a lesbian who, like so many other service members, had to hide that part of herself until recently and was not free to share her life openly with the one she loved. 

Thank goodness for America that charade is over.

tiny but mighty
a lioness for freedom
red white and blue heart

to those who have served :

gratitude for sacrifice

we respect you all

surrender your heart
fight for life and brotherhood
live your principles

This is for my dear friend Jonathan, who is one of the most tuned in, socially proactive, dynamic people I've ever known. His whole life has been about service.

For 30 year he was a Wildlife Refuge Manager for several NWRs, he was at the same time a Coast Guard Reserve officer and Ombudsman, a very active member of Rotary International, and the developer of The Teddy Project and countless other altruistic ventures, particularly programs focused on youth. He's received numerous awards for valor and exemplary achievement such as: The Rachel Carson Sense of Wonder National Award for Environmental Excellence; the Exemplary Act of Valor award from the U.S.Interior Department for saving the lives of several coworkers; the Bronze Star and numerous other military medals and awards, including being Coast Guard Reserve officer of the year three times; and the list goes on...

Jonathan is an observant Jew, and here he is in Iraq, as he is so often, surrounded by Muslim children whose lives he is changing for the better as a teacher and advocate.

In my next life, I want to be just like Jonathan.


To my dear father, brother, uncles, grandfathers, male and female cousins--all who lived and died as officers in the U.S. Navy:

sailing far from us
lives spent in selfless defense
of home and country

anchor now at last
in waters calm forever...
always in our hearts

forever at sea...
I have spent my life waiting
for you to reach port

and I'm waiting still...
now for another loved one
who is far from home

how different your life
had you followed your passion
and shirked your duty

"thanks for your service"
can't cover the sacrifice
of a dream unlived

Dad on a training cruise.

a young lieutenant
enjoying a day at sea...
next stop world war hell

remembering you...
no one else's smile so bright
or embrace so warm

I love you, Daddy. Thank you for your life of service.




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