TBD on Ning

This nation is in serious trouble and getting worse....
join the 9-12 project
write your congressman
democrat or republican matters not...
with the greatest amount of disdain any congress has ever had for the American people..
They rob us blind while we bicker over petty differences between liberal or conservative views..
their counting on that.
they think they can break our will.
they believe by driving us into poverty we will cave so they can control us with government hand outs..
They are a breath away from permanently enslaving the American people.
The health care bill and cap and trade aren't for the benefit of the American people.
It's meant to break us, and drive us into poverty.
It's meant to enslave the American people and rob us of our sovereignty.
why else do you think lawmakers from over 30 states have drafted legislation to stop this administration. Because they are conservative? No, I don't think so..
It's because this administration is attempting to rob us of our liberties and permanently enslave the American people.
WAKE UP!!!!!
the movement is growing.
more and more people are beginning to see the truth...
and if all you got for me is mud slinging and slanderous accusations..
bring em on you will only solidify my point..
This administration must be stopped...


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He's building them for Muslims and atheists.

There...does that make it OK, now?
Funny, No1Tool...you seem to be echoing the sentiments of Muslims in Palestine:


"For all the Obama loyalists who don’t want to believe their man is capable of this radical totalitarian move I ask, “How is locking up hundreds if not thousands of untried unconvicted Muslim men any different than what FDR did to the Japanese with the internment camps?” Isn’t Guantanamo Bay and other future “detention centers” just internment camps for Muslims?

Essentially, President Obama wants to hold people indefinitely without trial because he said so. It's hard to believe that anyone cannot see the danger in this precedent. Americans' phones have already been tapped without warrants, our library and medical records no longer require warrants to be obtained thanks to the Patriot Act, and now Obama wants to just skip ahead to keeping people imprisoned forever with no charges, no lawyers, no right to habeas corpus, nothing. This is really horrifying."
GW already drove us into poverty with HIS policies and crazy, unnecessary wars. He took a great economy under Clinton and drove it into the ground. Now we have another democrat trying to straighten out a mess made by a Republican and the Right Wingers want to stop him. The people in this country are not THAT dumb. On second thought, I am not too sure about that statement since they did elect GW to a second term!
Worse and worse...you have a fat assed blow hard who everyone looks to as "The Leader" of the party and some dim bulb from Alaska thinking she's a viable candidate for ANY office...and the true conservatives running like hell to get away from the fringe and crazies. SHEEESH...at one time, it was the Left who had the fringe-crazy market sewn up! Those powerless in repuglycant politics suddenly see their GOP as fading into the woodwork of the 'also rans.'




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