TBD on Ning

...The Ranch's answer to you -know - what - with no rules.

Go ahead...tell us what you're having for dinner - we can't wait! Got a cute pic of kitty peeking out of a paper bag? Post it! We live for that stuff!

Math addict? How about a refresher on the Pythagorean Theorem?

Like macaroni and cheese? Tell us why!

So even if you're not a writer or a poet (yet), there's still plenty of fun things to do at the Armadillo!

Oh baby, oh baby!

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Trump has acknowledged that he tries to pay as little taxes as possible, and the public records across the country shed light on how he does it. In documents rarely seen by the public, Trump's businesses regularly minimize the value of his properties for tax purposes. Publicly, including in his presidential financial disclosure report, Trump’s team declares many of those same properties are worth tens of millions of dollars more.

He’s fought tax collectors to lower the assessed values of his luxury golf courses in Briarcliff, N.Y., and Jupiter, Fla. Yet on his presidential financial disclosure report, he valued each at more than $50 million.


This is old news, and yet, no one has called him on it, as far as I know.  There was also an article in our local paper about Trump applying for a STAR rebate, which is designed for taxpayers with household incomes under $500,000.  And it wasn't an oversight -- you actually have to submit proof of income.

The New York Times claims to have information about McRonald’s close (questionable, if not illegal) financial ties with Russia. However, it says without the information from his tax returns, they can’t move ahead.

Like you, I’m wondering, why more isn’t being made of this.

Anyway, the latest Reuter’s poll that I saw (last week) has Clinton’s lead increased from 8% to 12%.

I'm shaking my head. His loyal fans, shrinking though they be, don't care! He can do no wrong, and they won't leave his side.

What choice do they have? Lol?

This week, Clinton's lead is 5 points....

Yeah, that whole foundation thing has really hurt her.


From NPR...

As February follows January and the sun sets in the west, readers of The Dallas Morning News could rely on that newspaper to endorse the Republican candidate for president.

But not this time — not when the candidate is Donald Trump.

The Morning News editorial pulled no punches from the get-go:

"What does it mean to be a Republican?

"For generations, the answer had been clear: A belief in individual liberty. Free markets. Strong national defense.

"But what does it mean to be a Republican today? With Donald Trump as the party's new standard-bearer, it's impossible to say."

The editorial criticizes Trump for "an authoritarian streak that should horrify limited-government advocates" and "his open admiration of Vladimir Putin." It calls Trump a hypocrite for investing in hotels abroad even as he criticizes car manufacturers who take factories overseas. As for national defense, the editorial calls Trump an isolationist who "put sound bites over sound policy."

Its conclusion is blistering:

"Donald Trump is not qualified to serve as president and does not deserve your vote."

Of course, the Morning News isn't the first major news daily to editorialize against Trump. The Los Angeles Times came out against him in March, and the Washington Post had harsh words for him in July.

But the Morning News has endorsed every Republican presidential candidate since 1968, when Richard Nixon faced off against Democrat Hubert Humphrey.

As Politico points out:

"In 1964, it was neutral between Texan and incumbent Democratic President Lyndon B. Johnson and Republican Arizona Sen. Barry Goldwater.

"On Tuesday, the paper did not endorse any candidate."

Recent polls have indicated that nearly 1 in 5 voters do not support either Clinton or Trump…and will vote for a third party candidate…or are still undecided at this point.

With that in mind, I see a clear path forward and am hereby announcing my candidacy for President of the United States.

I will now take questions from the press and public…

After about an hour, B steps away from the podium and opens a folding chair and places his notes on the floor next to him.

Checking his watch, he notices the time..

"Ahh, that's it...almost rush hour...they're probably tied up in traffic...should've thought of that...should be any moment now..."




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