TBD on Ning

...The Ranch's answer to you -know - what - with no rules.

Go ahead...tell us what you're having for dinner - we can't wait! Got a cute pic of kitty peeking out of a paper bag? Post it! We live for that stuff!

Math addict? How about a refresher on the Pythagorean Theorem?

Like macaroni and cheese? Tell us why!

So even if you're not a writer or a poet (yet), there's still plenty of fun things to do at the Armadillo!

Oh baby, oh baby!

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The funeral was today, and I am wiped out.  I don't know why it should have exhausted me so much, other than the fact that it was cold and snowy, and basically one more day when I had to get up and go out when I didn't want to.  I didn't know the husband well, and he could be kind of a dick, although he was always nice to me.  It was, nonetheless, emotionally draining.


During times like this…it’s best to just go with it…no whys or reasons for the way we feel, which is a challenge because we seem to need to justify or perhaps rationalize those feelings. There is likely  much turmoil going on under your surface since last summer, and now there’s the  added sorrow you feel for a close friend’s loss.

In time…well, you know… (probably preaching to choir, now…)



It is March 8...

There is still at least 6 inches of snow on the ground...

The temperature is 54 degrees...


"Maw...fetch me muh long rifle..."

54 degrees sounds like ice cream weather to me!

Ice cream, hell-- let's bring out the sunscreen. And hope you are feeling better. Funerals are emotionally draining, no matter what your relationship with the deceased.

"We’re guessing you’re a woman about 36 years old.  You are married and have 3 kids.  You like burgers and your mobile."

This is from a site called "Can we guess who you are?"  and it actually made me laugh, because the only thing they got right was gender and that I'm married.

You don't like burgers?

I used to like them, but a number of years ago my husband and I stopped eating red meat, mostly because it's supposed to be bad for you.  Not to say that if I'm traveling I won't stop at a fast food place, but even there I avoid burgers unless I'm in a real hurry.

Sorry I've been so under the weather and absent.

Getting out a little more and seeing the sights. I noticed kite-eating season has begun again. this one at a different park than last year, but eaten by the same brand of tree - a sycamore. Those sycamores really have an appetite for innocent kites.

Tried to get a picture this time, which I'm not very good at. Top right is the red white and blue victem

I spent the day at my friend's house.  The stated purpose was that we were going to write funeral thank you cards together, since I still haven't done them for my mother's funeral in August.  We didn't get many cards written, but I think she really appreciated my visit.

it was good you were there.

I meant to post yesterday about pi day, but it slipped my mind.  I have a frozen key lime pie in the cellar that I was going to thaw, but that didn't happen either.

So, how did you all celebrate pi day?




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