TBD on Ning

...The Ranch's answer to you -know - what - with no rules.

Go ahead...tell us what you're having for dinner - we can't wait! Got a cute pic of kitty peeking out of a paper bag? Post it! We live for that stuff!

Math addict? How about a refresher on the Pythagorean Theorem?

Like macaroni and cheese? Tell us why!

So even if you're not a writer or a poet (yet), there's still plenty of fun things to do at the Armadillo!

Oh baby, oh baby!

Views: 7171

Replies to This Discussion

Congrats, Carol T! I agree with Bmichael as to the imported German beer ... followed by a nice Malbec or four.

As for me, Da Weddin' was a riot ... hours in a limo sipping (gulping?) champagne, followed by a quick, but emotional ceremony, followed by a great dinner (oysters, anyone?), followed by a loooooong ride home ... during which we hit a deer! Red wine all over everyone, including yours truly. Followed by a few days in Cape May, NJ (you can look it up) in a supposedly haunted hotel.

Now back to reality, surrounded by moving boxes. Truck comes Tuesday. Yikes.

Sounds like a carload of memories, M.Did anyone think totake pictures?

Pix? Yep! A very good friend is a director (of TV commercials ... pays to have friends in advertising) and took a carload of pictures. Saw a bunch of 'em yesterday; he is going to put them into a bound book once we pick the ones we like best. I'm in the throes of moving, but when I get settled in, gulp, New Jersey, I'll post a few. Thanks fer askin'!

What the…?  New Jersey? Gulp? What is…gulp?

 Well, let me tell you something, little missy…there’s some pretty darn famous folks who hail from the great state of New Jersey (see below)

Buzz Aldrin
Clara Barton
Yogi Berra
Bill Bradley
Thomas Edison
Albert Einstein
Malcolm Forbes
Robert Wood Johnson II
Vince Lombardi
Norman Schwarzkopf
Frank Sinatra
Bruce Springsteen
Meryl Streep
Harriet Tubman

Bud Abbott & Lou Costello
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Althea Gibson
Jon Bon Jovi
Jerry Lewis
Guglielmo Marconi
Shaquille O’Neal
Phil Rizzuto
Paul Robeson
Carl Sagan
Walt Whitman
William Carlos Williams

Count Basie
Judy Blume
Justice William Brennan
Danny DeVito
Larry Doby
Michael Graves
Carl Lewis
Jack Nicholson
Alice Paul
Les Paul
Phillip Roth
Susan Sarandon
Wally Schirra
Frankie Valli
President Woodrow Wilson

John Basilone
Tony Bennett
Governor Brendan Byrne
Mary Higgins Clark
Admiral William Halsey
Franco Harris
Leon Hess
Queen Latifah
Bucky Pizzarelli
Martha Stewart
Joe Theismann
John Travolta
Bruce Willis

And… Bmichael!


…and we don’t care nothin’ ‘bout you uppity westerners and yer high falutin’  ways comin’ ‘round here gulpin’ all over the place, hear?


Gulp! Uppity? Westerner? (I'm originally from Detroit.) You forgot one:

Marilyn Devine.


And what part of Joisey are you hailin' from? I, er, notice that you're no longer there ...

De - freakin' - troit?

That's a suburb of LA ain't it?

I was born in beautiful, downtown Newark...the Pearl of... of... umm...the Gem of ... er ...  uhh...


NOT Louiseville, KY?

The favorite was five lengths ahead

            but he tired in the stretch.



In the end – just before the pole could save him

            he was passed by the waiting one

                        stoking his energy, stride by stride,

            and the unknown boy from nowhere.

What a fine race!

Looking forward to the Preakness.

Hola from New Jersey! Am finally moved in and wiped out at the same time. Was offline for a few days (note to self: don't terminate Verizon until you are reconnected at new address!)


Looking forward to reading some mighty fine writing ... and perhaps even contributing myself, once the dust settles. Ah-choo!


We’re looking forward to your submissions, M, but before you do, please take a moment to familiarize yourself with the current site guidelines:

The Armadillo Muse Ranch, LLC is an equal opportunity receptor - committed to providing material that equals or exceeds the highest literary standards in the industry - for its members and non- members alike.

With that in mind, please be aware that the following literary formats and subject matter are considered unacceptable at this time and could get your butt in serious trouble;

Prose, poetry,  non-fiction, politics, romance, science fiction,  history, fantasy, drama, melodrama, humor, biographies, anything thought provoking, sports, getting married, psychology, religion, bleating, animals, home incarceration, food, crime, pets,  laundry, alcoholic beverages, dieting, genitalia, mammals, crustaceans, carpet, tools, music, spearmint,  air traffic control, sex,  insects, education, back-fill, advertising, New Jersey, soup, photography, art, bowling, horses, colonoscopies, sanitation, music, mosaics-as-therapy, gardening, dribbling, electricity, underwear, children, scissors, Michael Jackson,  guns, roses, swinging sultans, South America, Bmichael, pronouns, science, mathematics, strippers, Match.com, Adult Friend Finder, and many, many others.*


While this list should not be construed as all encompassing, it is presented as a guideline only.  For a more detailed and comprehensive listing, please send a SASE to Westerly.

Have a nice day…and thank you for choosing The Armadillo Muse Ranch!

We’re here to hlep… er… help.




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