TBD on Ning

...The Ranch's answer to you -know - what - with no rules.

Go ahead...tell us what you're having for dinner - we can't wait! Got a cute pic of kitty peeking out of a paper bag? Post it! We live for that stuff!

Math addict? How about a refresher on the Pythagorean Theorem?

Like macaroni and cheese? Tell us why!

So even if you're not a writer or a poet (yet), there's still plenty of fun things to do at the Armadillo!

Oh baby, oh baby!

Views: 7171

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Besides, she's probably sitting in back on a booster seat. You'd have to pull over and stop. Too much trouble. Sounds like she has depression issues or something like it.

Not exactly depression, but anger issues and a really, really crummy home life.  She has had to be the adult of the household and take care of her brothers.  Things are slightly better now, but she's got a long way to go.  Thing is, I really like her.

Well, why not tell her you really like her? It would probably mean a lot to a little girl. Ya never (but never) know ... might even make a difference in her life.

BTW, I am off to Eataly on Sunday. Pasta! Pizza! Rome! Venice! Florence! Siena! With enough time to see each city and take a side trip or two. Gettin' excited and nervous, all at the same time. As I always do just before an overseas trip.



Italy! Awesome! Have a great time!

Grazie! It will be our first anniversary and 2nd honeymoon, so rather special ...

So lucky!

Indeed!  In bocca al lupo!  Congratulazioni!

Grazie, y'all! It has been quite a ride, as I was divorced for many, many (20'ish) years and never thought I would be in this place. Only negative is that I do virtually no writing, other than selling financial sh*t to people. "It's a living," and I ain't really complaining. Thanks for the good wishes!

Plans include: Celebrating Stan's birthday in Rome and our first anniversary in Venice. Gondola ride, anyone? (Yes, tacky and touristy, but who cares?!)



That sounds like fun! And I’ve got some really great news!

Work said that they didn’t really need me next week, so guess what?

I can go! Isn’t that cool?

I’m so excited - I’ve been running around all morning buying new stuff and getting ready and everything…

I only went to Italy once and that was a long, long time ago when I was nine but it wasn’t really Italy but it was called Lentini’s Little Italy and it wasn’t even in New York because it was in Shepherdville over on Bardstown Road and the owner’s name was Marvin…Marvin Lentin, but he put an “i” on the end of it and made it real fancy inside and I remember that they had breadsticks that were really good and my stupid little brother used to eat the butter first and THEN eat the breadsticks which really grossed everybody out, even the waitress whose name was Carmen and she was married to Marvin but that place isn’t there anymore because everybody in Shepherdsville quit liking Italian food and changed over to Mexican and now it’s a burrito place with a sign that says “Burritos As Big As Your Head” which means they’re really big especially when my little brother goes there ‘cause he’s a big ‘ol square headed boy and his head is huge…I mean so freakin’ huge that he never wore a hat in his life ‘cause they just don’t make them that size so one time we put one of those plastic kiddie pools on his head and it worked pretty good (it was a little tight) and kept the sun and rain off it and don’t worry because I’ll be bringing plenty of pictures for you and Stan to look at because we’ve never met in person but for right now I’ve got to do some more shopping for stuff like a new speedo because I heard them Italians all wear them and I want to fit in and not look so much like a tourist and also I’m almost out of Zim’s Crack Crème ‘cause I get these really huge cracks on my feet and butt which look more like canyons and fissures and I’m betting that you can’t buy Zim’s in Rome.

Ok…that’s all for now…I’ll call you when I’m ready, OK?



Hey M…are you there?

Wha'? Huh? Sorry, my cochlear implants suddenly stopped working. Hmmmmm ....? Eh?

                Oh, wow, are you inviting your friends along, Marilyn? I could make it, but I promised to sit my neighbor’s cat, little Pookie Me-wow. Can I take a cat carrier on board? I’m allergic, and if so, I may be sneezing a lot and blowing my runny nose. Hope you don’t mind. Also, I’ll need an aisle seat, as I have an overactive bladder and have to get up and go often. This condition will occasion frequent stops during road trips also, so…. What’s a little glitch or 2 among friends, eh Marilyn? Marilyn?

Huh? wha'? Eh? Oh! Sorry, I seem to have entered into a permanently deafened state and can't hear a thing. But whatever you said, I'm sure it'll all be fine. Hear me? FINE. Or was that finito?

Actually, and I can't remember if I ever mentioned it, but this is my 2nd trip to Italy. The first was highjacked by inconsiderate people who took over and made my life a living hell during the entire trip, culminating by my host ordering another couple out of his apartment while I hid in the bathroom to escape the conflict! So, bMichael and Westerly, you ain't invited. Nope. Nossireeebob! (But love the outfits!)




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