TBD on Ning

Please answer TRUE or FALSE to each

statement, then leave another one

for the next person, and I will begin with ~

You know how to eat


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You almost never fail to vote


You wear a sticker which says, "I voted!" to remind others to vote.


There have been protests in or near your neighborhood recently.

None of which I'm aware. 

You have an active LGBTQ+ population in or near your community.

Don't know. Someone put out a rainbow flag across the street sometime in the past.

There's a lot of traffic on weekdays where you live .

Not relative to where I used to live. But, for here, yes--there's more during the weekdays during fall/winter; during spring/summer, there's more on the weekends.

You have used Uber or Lyft at least once.

No, none of my German friends are named Uber or Lyft.

You love to eat pierogi.

yes. Really hard to find around these parts. Have to go to the Russian deli. Used to be able to find Mrs. T's everywhere.

Folks in your family often make their own pierogis on a regular basis.

No, I go to the Houston Polish Fest for pierogi.

You love pecans.

I'm not really a (tree) nut lover ツ, but, yeah, pecans are good.

You like pecans best in pie.

That's good way to enjoy them.

This time of year, you make popcorn balls and candied apples for old time's sake.

No. No one to eat them.

You still, sometimes, have people over for Thanksgiving dinner.




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