TBD on Ning

Please answer TRUE or FALSE to each

statement, then leave another one

for the next person, and I will begin with ~

You know how to eat


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fruit trees, yes.  I think maybe everyone got rid of their chickens.  Everybody started driving to the city to work.  Sad.  One of my "best acquaintances", though, is the bee man.  He's like the bee whisperer or something.  They just let him come and get 'em.

you've bought your 2017 calendar already

true  (mostly. People keep sending them to me. I like the Farmer's Almanac one)

you're going to watch for the "super moon" tonight.


baby boys wearing cargo shorts are the cutest

true (also Oshkosh overalls, if they still make those)

you don't like to wear wool


you know someone whose name means something immediately recognizable, such as Gene Pool

false, I think. I'm wracking my brain.  Isn't there an actor named Dusty Rhodes, and another named Slim Pickens?

You want to try some of those :Fit Kitchen" meals.

true (I don't know anyone personally either.  I do know a Dusty Rhodes but it's a nickname.)

you have actually used that deviled-egg platter - to serve deviled eggs

nope, false. Don' t use the egg slicer either, or the egg white separator. Just improvise

You really get into cookie-baking this time of year


you are definitely either a cat person or a dog person 

true. No choice. Cats make my eyes water

you don't have a single allergy that you know about

know about?  true

you think they should pronounce it Laugh Lynn, NV


you remember when StateLine potato chips used to be a brand




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