TBD on Ning

Please answer TRUE or FALSE to each

statement, then leave another one

for the next person, and I will begin with ~

You know how to eat


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I remember it :>), but it wasn't much different than other months for me.

You like ketchup with French fries.

Yes also vinegar from time t time 

  1. You have heard of and tasted vinegar pie. (I just learned about this pie first time today).

Yes, I've tasted it. Not my favorite--it tastes vaguely lemon-y--but it's a good "desperation pie." :>) You should make one just for the novelty.

You have found as you grow older that you really like some fruit (or something made from fruit) with meat. (For instance, we always had homemade spiced peaches as a condiment with turkey for Thanksgiving.)

Yes, I like those pairings 

You sometimes cook pork chops with marmalade 

I've never tried it--sounds good.

You have played a "hidden object" video game.


You are good at finding hidden objects in drawings.

Pretty good.

You like crossword puzzles.

I'm actually kind of bad at them. The clues seem unfair. 

You are familiar with the short stories of John Cheever. ( I have just discovered him, like him, but find his endings odd and disturbing)

I know I read a collection of them years ago, but I honestly don't remember my reaction to them. I'll have to reread some.

You do love being transported to different places and times by good writing.

Yes, indeed.

You like historical fiction, if it's fairly true to facts

I do!

You enjoy James Michener's work.

Yes.  Haven't reread him in a long time,   but I remember the scope of Hawaaii.

You appreciate Robert Service.  (My menfolk like him, but I thought he was a bit overly sentimental for a long time. But the guys in.my family like him)




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