TBD on Ning

Please answer TRUE or FALSE to each

statement, then leave another one

for the next person, and I will begin with ~

You know how to eat


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I do now. Before, I liked happy crowds or a party.

You kind of like the idea of Krampus.

Don't know it. I'll have to look it up and let you know.

You have stopped going to reunions 

I never went to one.

You liked watching The Twilight Zone.

(Yeah, me neither)


You like PBS, and Public Radio

Love them!

You get much of your news from NPR.

Much of it.

You have a Bose radio

I do. Bought it for my mom.

You have a Bose radio. :>)

Yup. Gift from a dear friend.

You have your new calendar up already 

Yes, I have my 2021 calendar. I don't hang my it. Each year on Zazzle I make a small calendar filled with pictures of Draughn. I keep it on my bed table and use it like a diary of everyday things. 

Despite an uncertain future, you're relieved that it's a new year.  

Oh, yes!!!!!! This year more than most. 

You're planning to throw out a lot of stuff, and renovate somewhat 

I would if I could.

You're not a fan of vinyl siding.


You love wood shingles, but worry about fire




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