TBD on Ning

Please answer TRUE or FALSE to each

statement, then leave another one

for the next person, and I will begin with ~

You know how to eat


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I did! Sometimes for the tree, but usually I strung cranberries, apples, oranges, etc., for the birds. Also popcorn.

You knew someone old when you were a child who had real candles on their Christmas tree.

I seem to remember something like that.  (Shudder,  shudder)

You remember ashtrays in the armrests of theater seats, and people smoking at the movies.

I do! 

You remember the fun of drive-in hamburger joints with the tray on your window.


And you think back on the fun of drive-in movies and the privacy they provided. ;^ ) . I think drive-ins are coming back.

I do. And I hope they are! It would make sense now--plus, drive-ins would be so much fun for younger people to experience!

You had special stories that were read aloud around Christmas. 

That was more John's family. They read portions of a child's Christmas in Wales,  and that passage from, I think, Mark: "there were shepherds keeping watch over their flocks  by night,  and the angel of the Lord...." etc

You're trying to find the old "Christmas Carol" on cable or somewhere. Can't find it.

Not really--I don't have a working TV. But there are many versions of it on YouTube. Here's a link to the one with Alastair Sim from 1951.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EaY5pQ__cdI

You love listening to Christmas music while you wrap gifts or bake or decorate.



When you get your college magazine (or check the daily paper), you go to the obituary  page summarily. (I do thst. Sigh).

Yup. It is sad, isn't it?!

What people tell you about getting old when you're a kid turns out to be the least of it.


However, gaining the wisdom is one plus.

I'm gonna be Debbie Downer and say that I'm not really sure about that. I think I was wiser when I was younger than I am now.

You have a Christmas tree topper that is a family tradition.

Nope. Moved so many times. So much lost.

You have a music box you had in your youth




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