TBD on Ning

Please answer TRUE or FALSE to each

statement, then leave another one

for the next person, and I will begin with ~

You know how to eat


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That's true. 

You made up stories to tell your kids.

That was John's thing. He made up scary ones too.

You sang to your babies.

I did.

You sang to your babies. :>)

Yes. It's a good thing they weren't music critics, lol

You would have liked one of those old fashioned rocking wooden cradles, but you never found one.

No, but I had a very interesting, hand-crafted rush rocking cradle. I could detach the "basket" and carry Gower in it.

You love lilacs.

How did you know. My favorite fragrance 

For you, the fragrance of a flower is important.

Absolutely! My favorite "perfume" was a tea rose flower essence that my son's father, Michael, created for me.

You generally had a fairly set menu for Thanksgiving dinner.

Yep. Simple and classic. ( same old)

The Easier meal also, was the same from year to year.

Pretty much. As a kid it was ham. As an adult living with a 1/2 Greek man and our son, it was lamb. I, of course, just ate the sides.

How about your Christmas meal? Was there much variety?

Nope.  Stuck to the tried and true, with much satisfaction. 

You did change around the dressings here and there: one time with oysters, another time with chestnuts

Yes! Sometimes cornbread stuffing, too, or wild rice.

You made you own cranberry sauce for the guests who liked the cranberries whole.

Yes, I loved that. Sometimes with orange zest in it.

You like to ice skate when younger




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