TBD on Ning

Please answer TRUE or FALSE to each

statement, then leave another one

for the next person, and I will begin with ~

You know how to eat


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On the contrary. Heat is very difficult for me but, with high humidity, it's impossible for me. 

You like wearing loose cotton dresses in summer.

Yes, or loose leggings and big shirts

You have been watching the RNC show, just to stay informed,  but have found it a hard slog.

I haven't watched it on TV--I wouldn't give them the ratings--but I have listened live on NPR. It's not only a hard slog, it is horrifying. I knew most people weren't particularly bright, but I'm aghast at the number of morons in this country and, perhaps worse, unprincipled complicit people who just want to retain power and position.

If you were younger, you might consider moving to one of the Scandinavian countries or other countries who have democratic socialist governments (or the functional equivalent).

Yes, I just might.

You have known many locals of residence - city, small town, country, island-dweller...etc


What is your dream preference in type(s) of locale to reside?  (Mine was full-time big city with a "weekend" place in the country/beach. Now it's reversed.)

An Oceanside or lakeside place. I prefer the ocean, but you do get flooded and hammered in a storm

You prefer a saltwater beach to a fresh water beach

I do. Waves and no leeches. Haha!

You used to love swimming in the ocean, but not so much anymore.

Not close enough any more. But yes, used to love it.

You loved the carnival rides, the cotton candy,  all of it

Not really. I found the few carnivals I went to kind of creepy. Now state fairs were something different!

When you went to a state fair, you liked looking at the agricultural things, like flowers, and the baking/cooking displays, and the horses (other animals too, but sometimes that made me sad).

I liked the jams and jellies and home made baked goods 

You used to make jam and jelly at home

Yes. So much better than store-bought.

You have made some odd jam/jelly/conserve flavors. (My mom, who was English, loved a tomato-ginger conserve I made. She'd eat a bit with red meat.)

(Sounds interesting). No, I never did that)

You made finger sandwiches, specialty sandwiches, for tea in the afternoon




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