TBD on Ning

Please answer TRUE or FALSE to each

statement, then leave another one

for the next person, and I will begin with ~

You know how to eat


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Actually, Draughn and I dreamed about building and living in a tiny house off-grid. I found several cool manufacturers who built modules which could be configured in many different ways. VERY cool. 

Do you yearn for such a life?

Often, I do. I have lost track of all the incidentals that clutter up and needed to be thrown out. Simplify

When your home wad new, and empty, you felt you were "rattling around " in a big space. Now it is all filled up

Actually, I now live in the house I bought for my mom (where I was her caregiver for 17 years). It's smaller than what she'd had before, so it's pretty full. I prefer more space and fewer things.

You've never placed a bet.

I don't believe i ever have.

You don't consider yourself particularly "lucky" in the windfall sort of way. And yet, you wouldn't consider yourself unlucky either 

Oh no, I'm definitely unlucky. Hahaha!

You have lost something precious only to find it years later.

Yes. And it's always when I'm  looking for something else i don't find .

You have made a lot of wonderful discoveries in nature, in your day - plants or animals you come upon 


You have worn a wig at least once.

Only when I was 7 years old and dressed up as a yellow pigtailed  Riding Hood at Halloween. Not even an extension, as a grown-up. 

You were once Little Red Riding Hood

Nope. Only went trick-or-treating twice as a kid. Once I was a hobo; once a ghost, as I remember.

You love Halloween.

Can't stand it. Really funny like dressing up as something else

Your life is quiet now and you like it that way.

If I had my druthers, I'd have a combination of activity and noise with a hefty dose of peace and quiet. My life is far too quiet now. If Draughn were here, I'd be happy no matter what.

To you, there was something magical about John.

Yes. One if a kind.

You have a fan on in the house, or some kind of a/c




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