TBD on Ning

Please answer TRUE or FALSE to each

statement, then leave another one

for the next person, and I will begin with ~

You know how to eat


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Yes I had my nose in a book at times; no I didn't fail to respond to stuff around me. Too responsive, in fact.

When you were a child, you had few interests in common with other kids.

Maybe half true. I studied things alone,  but I did play jax and hopscotch and all that.

Sometime this month you plan to (or have already) watch It's a Wonderful life,  or A Christmas Carol.

(Yeah, I played outdoor games and roughhouse stuff and exploring the few times the other girls wanted to. In the question I was going more for the things other kids thought about and valued. I didn't make myself clear.)

I don't have a TV anymore. But you just gave me a great idea! I'll look for the movies on YouTube! Hooray! Thanks, Westerly.

You have an "all Christmas music" radio station around you. 

Hmmm. I'm not sure whether I do. 

You have such a station.

True. Listening to it right this second. ツ

You still have 1 special toy or stuffed animal from your childhood.

Wish I did. Sorry I gave all that stuff away when I was 13. I have a 50 year old Raggedy Andy that was my son's,  though.

You remember when there was a Raggedy Ann & Andy comic book.

Yeah, I remember being aware of it--but we weren't allowed to read comics.

You didn't like most dolls.

False. I loved them all. I was a real collector. 

You remember "duck and cover" drills at school

Boy, do I! As a (sadly funny) aside, I lived in Hawaii when they were doing nuclear bomb blasts on one of the small islands. We'd go outside TO WATCH!!!!  Hahahaha! AND, we used to drive through the Mojave desert (I believe it was) when they did nuclear testing in the early 50s. Again, they'd make us wait for a while--maybe an hour--before they let us drive on. Any wonder why so many boomers are coming up with cancer and weird auto-immune diseases?!

You also remember those "hold a friend's hand and walk home" drills. 

(Wow, what a memory)

Yes, I remember. "The buddy system." (Some kids would only hold my right hand, As my left finger had a wart, and they thought they'd catch it if they touched it.)

You remember those "cooties" days of yore, when contact meant infection.

I certainly do. On the playground we always seemed to line up boys first, then girls. I would be the girl who stood in line behind the last boy because the other girls were afraid of getting cooties. 

You enjoyed dodgeball.

Yes, and not too horrible at it, unlike my failures at softball

You were a petty reliable batter at softball




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