TBD on Ning

Please answer TRUE or FALSE to each

statement, then leave another one

for the next person, and I will begin with ~

You know how to eat


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yes, I do.

You like making up your own recipes, or else you change old ones to better suit your tastes

Yup! ツ

You like your own cooking better than almost anyone else's.

No. I tend to  be expedient in the extreme.

You treat yourself to something special about once a month, just because....

Maybe more--hahaha!

When you were a kid, you collected shells, or some other natural item.

yes, those and smooth stones  from  the beach

You  pressed flowers and leaves in a book

Yes, I did. Mostly Autumn maple leaves from Vermont and, of course, a rose or wildflower from a special beau or occasion.

You know someone who has a jar of sand or sea glass from every beach they've ever walked.  

sounds interesting, but, no.

You have walked beaches on both coasts.

Yes, I have.

When you walk the beach, you try to return all marooned sea creatures to the water. (Horseshoe Crabs get beached here all the time and the gulls are waiting.)

Yes, I do.

When you walk the sidewalks after a heavy rain, you rescue street-stranded worms to the grassy areas


If you had to pick and practice an organized religion, you'd probably pick Buddhism (most likely Zen).

I've always been interested in studying that

You have a Buddha statue in your home

Not in my real-life home, but in my Second Life home.

Sometimes when you're alone in nature you pray for the welfare of the planet, but not to any deity in particular.




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