TBD on Ning

Please answer TRUE or FALSE to each

statement, then leave another one

for the next person, and I will begin with ~

You know how to eat


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when you express yourself, you use concrete details, rather than abstractions, usually

It depends on what I'm trying to express and to whom.

You find beauty and value in all forms of poetry--or almost.


 you're looking to learn a new skill, just for the heck of it

Yup--always looking.

You have taken and completed at least one MOOC

nope I had to look the term up

you were once a tutor for remedial students

(edX is a MOOC platform that's pretty good and free. I've taken several interesting classes--a couple from MIT, two from Harvard, two from USC--and really enjoyed them. edX has gone mostly tech, but there are still occasionally a few good poetry or philosophy classes.  You might want to check it out. https://www.edx.org/ )

Yes, I have tutored.

You, also, have tutored and find it gratifying.

just friends and relatives on an informal basis

when you come across people who seem determined to pick a fight, you wonder whatever motivates them

Nope, not usually. I generally understand the kinds of emotions which motivate aggression.

You see yourself as more of a lover than a fighter.

(me, I am clueless in the face of unwarranted attacks. Something hidden provokes it)

true, to your question

you do not believe that  "diamonds are a girl's best friend"

I agree--it's something hidden from the person who attacks without provocation. It's usually the ol' repress and purge inappropriately thang--a problem/emotion shoved down, covered over, festering, and then spewed forth all over a totally innocent individual who has inadvertently triggered a response. This often eventually manifests itself as what people would call a "rage problem."

Nope. Diamonds aren't this girl's best friend. 

You feel that while being alone can be therapeutic, being isolated is a problem.

I do

you commune with at least one person every day

True. I commune with you, for one. ツ

Life has turned out very differently than you ever imagined.




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