TBD on Ning

Please answer TRUE or FALSE to each

statement, then leave another one

for the next person, and I will begin with ~

You know how to eat


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you have never ground up coffee beans


you don't take sugar in your coffee


you know someone who's going trick or treating as a dinosaur

not so.

you know someone going as a wood fairy


you know way too much about dryads and naiads and all those other ads


you have a theory about Stonehenge

false, but what's yours?

they've got you so confused now you don't know if it was Eric the Red or Amerigo Vespucci or Karl Lagerfeld or Britney Spears. . .aaaaaand you don't care who discovered it

(Keep revising my theory. Probably a worship thing)

yeah, the locals already knew it was here; they didn't need anyone to find it

you can't keep track of the latest thing the Am Heart Assn has decided about eating eggs

don't try to keep track anymore; when I loved them, I ate them and now I usually just have them in omelets if I fancy something light for supper

you still love blueberries and they still love you

yes! (used to pick them fresh, as a kid)

you have something planted in your yard you dug up from the woods


things go well because you're in a good mood - not the other way around


you have a pet with annoying habits




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