TBD on Ning

Please answer TRUE or FALSE to each

statement, then leave another one

for the next person, and I will begin with ~

You know how to eat


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I used to enjoy movies from all over  but don't get out to the cinema much any more.

You loved live plays,  even participated in some way in the performances 

(FYI, you can find many foreign films on YouTube. Here, for instance is a link to a beautiful and unusual Samurai film about a Samurai who cares about the common people. It's about honor, love, kindness, humility, and doing the right thing. It's slow moving but really satisfying in its arc. It has subtitles.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-NM76OA1mIQ&t=608s )

I do love live plays! I did audition for parts a couple of times, got the part, and then chickened out! I ended up working behind the scenes.

You have had more foreign cars than domestic.

Thanks for the information.

Just one domestic

You have heard of and prepared kitchari. ( I just heard about this dish. Sounds wonderful)

I have. It's an ancient dish, a gentle complete protein dish, and is often used as a dosha balancer in Aryuvedic medicine. (I used to be more into that than I am now.)

You have tried tai chi.

I have a friend who tried to encourage me, but I never got around to it.

You still practice some yoga 

I do.

You find it hard to keep all the paper under control.

Yes. And cardboard

You do shopping online or on the phone for convenience 

I do. I can't get to the stores.

You use more than one pillow when you sleep.

Yes, love  lots of pillows

You have a teddy bear on top of your bed.


You kept at least one toy or piece of clothing from your son's early childhood. 

For a while.   Can't find them now 

You have  a ginger jar you keep your tea in

I have an antique ginger jar which I use as decor.

You enjoy (camp) Vincent Price movies.




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