TBD on Ning

Please answer TRUE or FALSE to each

statement, then leave another one

for the next person, and I will begin with ~

You know how to eat


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I do. 

You're interested in Japanese culture.

a little.  I used to be totally into it in high school. 

You like steamed pot stickers 

Yum!!! I do!

You almost never drink soda.

That is true

You almost never drink beer

Actually never.

You like apple spice cake with chunks/slices of real apple.


You like fresh kiwi

I do.

You used to make fruit smoothies, but not so much anymore.

 that's true. Happy enough with plain fruit in hand

You used to save and freeze broth for soup making, but not so much any more.

Yup, you're right.

You love tiramisu.

Never had the pleasure, but sounds like I would like it.

You know people who are getting clobbered with snow and cold today.

I do. Thankfully, we escaped the worst of it.

You feed the birds.

I do

You don't have any cats at the present time 




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