TBD on Ning

Please answer TRUE or FALSE to each

statement, then leave another one

for the next person, and I will begin with ~

You know how to eat


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Yes! The first thing I grew as a little girl. It was magic!

You loved the feeling of growing healthy foods and feeding your family and friends.

Yes. A good feeling 

You once had a rhubarb patch and made rhubarb pies

Yes! I loved it, but it got shaded out by trees a neighbor planted.

You have separate glasses and sunglasses--not just one pair with photosensitive lenses.


You have been receiving lots of political mail, plus phone calls of that ilk

A deluge! Well...emails mostly. Ecofriendly. :>)

You're not 100% sure about all the details (such as there are) of you know who's COVID.

I don't think anyone out there is even sure.

Nonetheless, it won't distract from all the other bad news and bad performances 

Ohhhhh, the fact that I doubt the truth of the whole thing only adds to the bad performance angle.

You're ready for some truly GOOD news!

More than ready!

You think W hiskey T ango  F oxtrot is an apt description of 2020 so far..

Absolutely apt! lol

You would like to pet a giraffe.

Perhaps. Maybe a baby elephant

You don't know anyone called Arthur.


You can roll your tongue.


You can whistle through your fingers and skip a stone across a pond




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