TBD on Ning

Please answer TRUE or FALSE to each

statement, then leave another one

for the next person, and I will begin with ~

You know how to eat


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Yup! I have some in my yard now.

You love making holiday decorations.

Used to, very much, out of natural items.

Can you actually see smoke from the CA wildfires from here.  Sometimes the key stream carries smoke pretty far 

Nope. I'm on the opposite coast.

You and yours are staying safe from the wildfires.

We're safe so far. Air is pretty smoky though. 

You have a tune running around in your head these last few days.

Wow, I do! Thinking about Draughn. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Oq8ALxQFPg

You have an earworm too!

A few days back, I was channeling Sinatra, for no particular reason, esp "That's why the lady is a tramp."

You appreciated Sinatras voice and how he used it.

I did. I adored his album, "Only the Lonely."

You also loved Nat King Cole's voice and presentation.

Yes, (and Barry White)

You know someone who witnessed the 9/11 disaster,  but escaped harm.

No, I don't think so.

You know someone who witnessed the 9/11 disaster, but escaped harm.

Not, not a direct witness, just a New York resident at the time, worked near there.

You have decided you can't wear orange well 

Kind of depends on the shade.

You look good in bright colors but you prefer more muted ones.

When in my 30s, I really liked red. That was when my hair was really dark. Now I am gray and fades, and I like soft  colors, blues mostly, or green.

You are drawn to shy people,  liking to open the covers on their story, so to speak, and learn what's inside 




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