TBD on Ning

Please answer TRUE or FALSE to each

statement, then leave another one

for the next person, and I will begin with ~

You know how to eat


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True. I had a few notes passed to me, though, but I don't like to break rules unless there's a very compelling reason.

In school you were sometimes the "teacher's pet" without wanting to be so.

Yeah, that was a fact, kind of embarrassing.

You had a crush on the class clown

No, but my two High school sweethearts were funny as hell! One was class Valedictorian (seems incongruous, huh?--haha), and one was our school's best thespian. ツ

You had a very kind and thoughtful boyfriend in High School with whom you kept up through the years. 

;^ )

That is so very true

You we'e never tempted to join the drama club

True. I'm not a good actress. I would try out for parts, get 'em, and then be too scared to follow through, so I worked behind the scenes.

You worked on the school paper.

Didn't have that pleasure, but got stories and poems printed in it.

You made a hobby of sketching designs for women' clothing, and thought of doing that for a living

Absolutely true about the sketching--I even designed several full lines of clothing, all of them "out there." I was hung up about what my career needed to be, however--believing that I had to be a doctor, lawyer, scientist, or some such, in order to really help people. DUMB! 

You did the same. 


You believe you can help people in small ways every day. 


You are determined to do so.


In spite of it all, you believe truth and right will out. (Eventually).

This is a complicated issue for me. I hope so, but I fear that homo sapiens' essential nature will keep the waters muddied. I think that if there were a significant threat to our species (like an alien invasion), we might be able to get our sh*t together and figure out what's real and true, and what really matters. 

You are sometimes distressed by the seemingly infinite number of opinions that exist on any one important issue.

Yeah! So many brain fluxes

You haven't had a brain freeze in a long, long time 




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