TBD on Ning

Please answer TRUE or FALSE to each

statement, then leave another one

for the next person, and I will begin with ~

You know how to eat


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Kind of. I think I would enjoy the food and the benefits. But don' feel sufficiently shamed about eating animals. I do mostly eat fish and seafood though. 

You know how to cook tofu properly, so it's tasty and not pasty

I like to think I do. ツ

You like hummus.

Very much

You have recipes using pasta and various types of beans

None other than Pasta e Fagioli.

Italian food is one of your favorite cuisines.


You have a friend encouraging you to join a senior center for daily activities, trips, etc, but it' not your cup of tea. 

Nope. And, you're correct, it's not my cup of tea.

Sometimes you wish you could have one more weekend with the family of friends you had when you were a young adult.

I think I am too changed.  Won't be making a 50th reunion. Painful to revisit my misspent youth.

You saved pictures of you and your friends outside that hippie house with the upside down flag

(I guess I was thinking about being young again. :>)  Yup, I wouldn't have any fun as I am and, besides, most of my old friends have kicked the bucket.)

Hahaha! No upside down flag, but yeah, I had pictures of those halcyon days (until they were destroyed). One "hippie house" I lived in was 2 huge townhouses remodeled as one in the middle of DC with weird suspended staircases and huge open communal rooms, a stargazing room built way up on top, and a brick basement with two-story tall trees growing out of the dirt and a wandering python! Crazy and wonderful.

You marched in many protest marches for a myriad of causes, and have been tear-gassed at least once. 

No tear gas, thank God. 

You attempted to see the lunar eclipse, but something prevented a sighting 

Yeah, I fell asleep! Haha! I'm usually up all night, but often, if I have something I particularly want to stay up for, I fall asleep. Some psychological quirk, I guess.

As years have gone on, you have learned to expect disappointment, or at least you incorporate it with less furor (notice I didn't say "accept it").

Yes, that is correct.

You sometimes think nothing would surprise you, but you find that you still can be surprised,  especially of late

I've definitely had a few nasty surprises in the last few years.

You wonder if there's any balance in the universe beyond the big insentient equation.




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