TBD on Ning

Please answer TRUE or FALSE to each

statement, then leave another one

for the next person, and I will begin with ~

You know how to eat


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You love not only the printed word, but the book itself as a vehicle. I'm thinking of the man I lived with for 20 years (not Draughn) who adored fine bindings and different types of paper and imaginative typesetting.


At one time you did calligraphy


You believe that a handmade gift is very touching and meaningful; but, depending on who made it, you'd sometimes rather have a gift card. Hahaha!

sad, but true

you know someone who has a birthday this month

Yup! Me! The 13th was my birthday.

You possess many of the characteristics generally attributed to your sign of the zodiac.

oh, no! I didn't know. Hope your birthday was   the best.

I think so - I'm shy, methodical, practical, by the book - boring, really, until encouraged by a zestier personality .  I'm a typical Virgo.

You think  there might be some truth in this astrological stuff.

OMG! No wonder I'm so drawn to you, Westerly! My Beloved Draughn was a Virgo! I do understand all those qualities you describe--he said the same things about himself--and yet my experience of him (and of you) is the opposite. I saw those things at work in him--the introversion, being methodical and "by the book," definitely practical--but he was also brilliant as a diamond, wonderfully funny and quirky, passionate, creative, loving/inclusive, loyal, kind, and one who pushed himself constantly to face his fears. I have never loved or admired or believed in anyone so, and I am one who loves. He was also a great teacher, both in the classroom and in life. My greatest teacher. I sense all those qualities in you.

Yes--however illogical--I think there's a lot of truth in astrological stuff. I am, for instance, the typical Aries. On the good side: Courageous, accepting/inclusive, confident, enthusiastic, optimistic, honest, passionate/emotionally accessible. On the bad side: Impatient, overly emotional, short-tempered, impulsive, aggressive, demanding. I like physical movement and newness. I'm communicative but get bored easily (hence the "hit and run"). I saw the bad tendencies in me when I was a child and have worked all my life to change them. I question the wisdom of doing that now because I've found that when I am so "nice" so much of the time, if I have a pure Aries moment of impatience, brusqueness, or aggression, people feel betrayed by me. Deeply betrayed. Now I think if I had been the unexpurgated me, perhaps I would have ended up hurting fewer people and doing a hell of a lot less emotional work. Who knows... .

Did you try to change your more problematic Virgo traits throughout your life? 

yes, tried to be braver, more outgoing, forced myself to try new things .I was drawn to a Leo, loved his wild side and his fire, so opposite to me. I had another Aries friend. She was a bold leader, and I quietly followed

to some extent you can divine some aspects of the future. You have a knack of knowing what happens next.

True, unfortunately.

You are glad when a mystery takes you more than a moment or two to figure out.


you are glad when he can't predict the plot and ending of a movie in the first 20 minutes


Because you can unravel mysteries so easily, they are not something you often read or watch.


you enjoy science fiction movies or shows, the cornier the better




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