TBD on Ning

Please answer TRUE or FALSE to each

statement, then leave another one

for the next person, and I will begin with ~

You know how to eat


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can't remember, but that's something I would watch.

you wish the Farmer's Insurance commercial would come up with some new ideas, tired of the "mermutts" and the "rodent ride-along."

wow, I don't remember any of those, but then I don't watch commercials enough to grasp any content.  I do remember the spokesperson is J.K. Simmons, the award-winning actor.  And the theme music is that bop-bully-op-op thing.  I always wonder if they paid him a bunch.  The swimming baby keeps its eyes open, its mouth shut, and swims straight back to the surface with only its feet going.  So cool.

T/F:  you wore some false eyelashes once when you did not at all need them

probably, lots of mascara too

you have no problem with impulse control (almost no problem)

not sure what that is

you have voted on some call-in program or another


you do laundry in cold water

some of it

you sometimes buy Daylight or Reveal light bulbs


you have cactuses  (cacti?)


you knew some twins who had a secret language

knew two who shared a weird outlook

you wish you were born atwin


this may be a repeat:  you sing Row Your Boat when carrying very full liquids as it keeps you from sloshing the liquid out (from sloshing out the liquid)

false, but maybe I'll try it.

you used to sing "rub-a-dub-dub" to a kid or baby you took care of, at bathtime


T/F:  you've been to the desert on a horse with no name (seriously, I don't know any other one, I think)




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