TBD on Ning

Please answer TRUE or FALSE to each

statement, then leave another one

for the next person, and I will begin with ~

You know how to eat


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false, but someone sent me something from there (the only fruitcake I ever liked)

you never met a fruitcake you liked


you've tasted a mincemeat pie with the beef or suet in it (rather than just the fruit)


you have only recently become acquainted with persimmons

false, but I haven't seen one since they showed me that in each seed is what looks like either a spoon, a fork, or a knife.  Mostly spoons.

you've tasted squirrel brains (this may be a repeat)

false, squirrel stew, but no brains of any sort

(I never got a tutorial on the seeds, but like how when you slice the fruit there's a star-shape in the center of each slice)

champagne gives you a headache


you know someone with a rough-'n'-tough, mean-sounding nickname

you mean "Iron Mike"? Or "bob, the rat with women"? could be true

you know more than one person who goes by  their middle name as a first name

me,for one. I have a boatload of cousins and uncles with the first name john,so I use my middle name,i always did.

do you like to drive fast?

once did - no more.  not even crazy about driving.  of course, if I had an open track. . .

(and what's up with that John thing?  I got THREE Johnnys in the family that come to mind immediately)

you have seen a suit of armor


you oncehad some Indian arrowheads, or knew someone who did


you learned to swim in a natural body of water and not a pool


you once had a dug well with a concrete cover on it




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