TBD on Ning

Since the original TPAM went walk about along with its creator, I would like to bring this discussion back to the forum.

Tags: Humor, etcetera, etcetera...., sarcasm, wit

Views: 1126

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If I could figure out how to make a cd play backwards, I would. That song has a lot of potential.

TPAM prefers vinegar and mustard, "Carolina"-style sauces to the heavier, Kansas City-style tomato-based sauces.
TPAM doesn't know about my sauce of whole grain mustard with cider vinegar, molasses and brown sugar.

(You don't own a turntable or records?!!!!? That's sooo NOT punk rawk, dude!!!!) ;->

Oh yeah, the "traditional" Eastern N.C. barbecue sauce doesn't have mustard in it...see
scottsbarbecuesauce.com for an example.....
tpam wants to learn to speak Chinese.
TPAM misplaced their litter box and is getting desperate.
tpam can't wait to watch the premier tonight on TV of 'Drop Dead Diva'
TPAM is debuting tongiht
TPAM has a thing for nerds.
TPA TPAH has excellent taste and her compliments are appreciated.

TPAM ain't looking too bad since she turned around.
TPAM is inspired to redo her kitchen floor. :-)
TPAM is just trying to get TPAH to join him b/c misery loves company.
tpam wants a glass of wine.
Would TPAM like to join me for a Scotch?




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