TBD on Ning

Since the original TPAM went walk about along with its creator, I would like to bring this discussion back to the forum.

Tags: Humor, etcetera, etcetera...., sarcasm, wit

Views: 1089

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TPAM has been practicing an Abba song for the next gig.
TPAM is trying to decide which paint can to open to enamel his toenails for the summer.
TPAM has decide it will be a no tan lines summer.
TPAM has resolved to keep their binoculars in their beach bag at all times.
Absolutely true.

TPAM is so happy that I have a camera. She wants to be the next internet sensation.
TPAM is planning a "Women of TeeBeeDee" calendar for 2011. SMILE, LADIES!!!
tpam has a silver tongue.
TPAM is getting her fur dyed to get the gray out.
TPAM is all ready to go to the beach this weekend...not to mention turn the heads of all those would be suitors...heh!heh!heh!
TPAM is going to sleep in tomorrow, maybe as late 6 AM
tpam is taking a nap.
TPAM shorted out their ankle bracelet in the shower...again.




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