TBD on Ning

We say, "It's up to you then to do that."  In England, they say, "It's down to you then."

What are some other things that "they" (doesn't have to be a different country) say differently from the way "you" (and maybe your relatives) always say it?

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Yes it's coke in the south and "put that up" meaning "put that away"

i don't say it at all,they just know to put them on my sammich.

nah,i don't drink no coffee...and they know that.

I love the way my neighbor says, "Here's my opinion."  He says, "I'm a tell yuh wut."

Seriously, I love this accent and it's 'cut to the chase' attitude.

Is it lunch, supper or dinner? I forget.

No doubt.  And where I'm from they say breakfast, dinner, and supper even though the noon meal is NOT the larger of the last two.  But my grandmother said it used to be the larger when people had the kitchens separate from the house.  She could still remember those.  And the breezeway/dog trot houses.  My great-aunt still lived in one of those and I loved to visit them. 

In any event, some good meals were prepared I bet. Right?

Well, I don't understand the difference between - "Go up the road a piece" and "Go down the road a piece." (Sometimes its "a fur piece"! (wink!) 

also  there's spiggot and faucet

....and don't get me started on handbag versus purse versus pocket book.

I hear that kids today don't use the word pants, (but I've never heard them use trousers either - so I wonder what they are.)

here they just say "badda bing badda boom"

If you go into a drug store in England and ask where they keep the rubbers......they'll send to to the erasers.  My ex sil was from Edinburgh, Scotland, and she had her niece here for a year.  She took her to the mall to shop for school supplies and then was embarrassed by the fact that the young girl asked the lady for "rubbers".  June had to hurriedly explain that the girl meant "eraser". 

My mother asked me today, "Why do you sew everything on your fingers?  Why don't you use the machine?"  I'd forgotten that they said "on your fingers" instead of "by hand."  (Because it's a chore to get the machine ready and usually have to fill the bobbin, etc. etc.  That's why.)

My husband's Grandma used to say " I have a nighty" ...it sounded like that to me anyway. After years of hearing it and not wanting to appear that I did not understand it, I asked what in the world "I have a nighty" meant. Well, it was a slur of words that really meant, "I have an idea"....who woulda thunk it?!!...lol




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