TBD on Ning

We say, "It's up to you then to do that."  In England, they say, "It's down to you then."

What are some other things that "they" (doesn't have to be a different country) say differently from the way "you" (and maybe your relatives) always say it?

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How come we say we are going in the hospital.......and the British say they're in hospital.  What happened to the "the"? 

And my sis-in-law took her British neice shopping for school supplies at a mall in Illinois, and the girl wanted to know where she could get a rubber.  Turns out she wanted an eraser.  Whew! 

yous guys

actually,it's YOOZ GUYS


The British say Time for a Cuppa, We say would you like some tea or coffee.

See, I'm from the South but I didn't even know that "Bless his/her heart" was regional.

I hear people here say, "Get your coat; I'm bringing you back to your mom's house."  I thought "bring" was from there to here and "take" was from here to there.  Some things are regional and some are just new, maybe.

Depending on where you're from.....it's either Soda or Pop.

no,,i'm pretty sure it's Pepsi.

Well where I'm from (the South it's always a "coke". Even if it's orange flavored.

well,where i'm from(the east,it's called "i don't give a rat's @$$) i'm just kiddin'

YES!!!!  flipper!!!  you are correct...lol




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