TBD on Ning

Welcome to the Gathering Place, come in sit a while, refresh
yourself with our brewed coffee, tea, hot coco and a Dew or two. We
have fresh baked goodies to nibble on just in case you might be a
tad hungry, too..........Your money isn't any good here, but your friendship is valued, so come in and
enjoy yourself...if no one is here, please just leave a note to let us know you came to visit.......:)

Mary - Manager
Lynn - Bartender

I also have the Gathering Place....I also set up a group in EONS...so please drop in and say hi there too..................


Hope all have a peaceful and relaxing day of rest today!


Here is your Dew Jeff

Tags: Fellowship, Friends, Fun, Humor, Music

Views: 138

Replies to This Discussion

lol hes well taken care of,good night and sweet dreams
lol oh yes......I"m sure........lol..........good night and sweet dreams to you too chickie sis.....:)
Well as I slide in tonight and peep in on the two Chickie's I will just leave them with some eye candy to wake up on, teeheeteehee

Oh my stars and bars, and what a way to wake up.....lol
PLEASUREYOURPAGE.COM this is for all u chickies!!!......lol!!!!!!....& a gooood mornin gals ...& everyone else that comes through these door today!!
Well,that is one way to wake up to lol,havent had my second cup of coffee yet lol.On that note good morning ladyg,chickie mary,dewie jeffie and anybody else that sneaks through.
Shoot chickie cat, I've been up, been to the store, am back home for a wee bit, going into work at 11:30, and will be back on after everyone leaves this evening for brother in laws surprised Birthday Party...so be on the look out for me..........lol

Morning and Hugs to you Ladyg, Lynn, Dew Jeff and any one else who passes through!
Have fun at the partay lol
LOL Dew Jeff, you're a hoot!! lol
bondage chickie, indeed! who'd have thunk, jeff?

good Tuesday morning, Mary, Kristine, jeff, and Ladyg when you arrive!
and all the rest who straggle in, too!




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