TBD on Ning

Hello and Welcome to all that come by our humble lounge. Please sit and have coffee and breakfast or we also have take out if you need to get to work. You are most welcome to return in the evening for drinks, music and lots of fun. Leave a message and say hello, we are so glad that you stopped by to visit us...................

Ladyg, Owner
Mary, Manager
Lynn, Bartender

Tags: Friends, Fun, Humor, Music

Views: 13

Replies to This Discussion

OH.........so that is where everyone has gone off too....lol {{{{{{{{Lynn}}}}}}}, yes I"ve noticed that ningville has been quiet for a few days if not a week or so!...can't help wonder why?????:)
Doug and i were talking about that in the DG tonite too, but then he wandered off. there's not really anybody in the Lodge, either. 'cept for JLeeS who keeps asking for things i can't find pics of, the brat!
i think your FB guess was right -- folks are doing the applications in FB instead of waiting for somebody to show up to chat in the various forums. i really don't think it's about the increasing number of places like here and the DG -- altho' there are maybe 6-7 now -- all of 'em are quiet all during the workday hours, and lots of the nites too. maybe we're just getting on with our lives? me, i'm just glad i know how to find my "real" friends on email and phone, so i'm not stuck isolated if they don't show up on line!
LOL.......yep......as a matter of fact, I've been playing Robin Hood app...so got back a tad later and see on the chat you are on over there as well.....:) Since moving over here so many things have changed which is not a bad thing.......but it is kind of sad you know........use to be, I would hurry here and spend time with friends I've made the go to FB...now it's the other way around!

Yes I too am very glad to have my "real" friends and can talk by phone/email which you know very well........lol
hey!!!!...what am i chopped liver!!...
hi, jeff! here, have a dew, guy!

why thank u hun ...so whats up besides the rent!!..lol!
LOL just that Jeff! the rent for two places........LOL

Thank you Lynn for giving the dew to Jeff, for some reason I
can't down or up load pictures from my computer one TBD.
LOL.......Hey you! No you could never ever be chopped liver!!!!!!! or chopped anything else for that matter LOL.........How are you doing my friend, dew Jeff?
have missed you and chickie cat.......a lot!
yea been kinda not feelin to good 4 some reason ..& got mad & throughed them darn crutches away ...kinda hard hoping on 1 foot & thats the foot i had partial amputation on geeh 2 bad feet ..guess i could walk on my hands!!...lol!
Now Jeff, you go out and get another pair of crutches tomorrow or by Monday, and don't get so mad........you need them to help you get around temp. No trying to walk on your hands, that's all we need to find out you broke your arm:)

Jeff, for real, hon take care of yourself.you have too, as you a much needed friend to us and we want you around for a while......and you know chickie cat would second me in a second along with Ladyg. and Lynn!!!!! so dew Jeff you are out numbered......got it.....:)
humm..cant out run u gal's but i am in a different state ..SO...na na na na na!!!!!
you ain't that far, jeff! and you are sooo outnumbered, it isn't funny -- give it up!
don't blame you for wanting to toss the crutches, but sounds like it was a bit too soon yet...if you crawl back to the emergency room, they'll give you 'nother pair!




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