TBD on Ning

Welcome to the Gathering Place, come in sit a while, refresh

yourself with our brewed coffee, tea, hot coco and a dew or two.

We have fresh baked goodies to nibble on just in case you might be

a tad hungry, too.......Your money isn't any good here, but your

friendship is valued, so come on in and enjoy yourself...if no one is here

please just leave a note to let us know you came by to visit....:)


Mary- Manager

Lynn- Bartender

I also have the Gathering Place...that I set up in a group on EONS...so please drop in

and say hi there too!.......


Hot Coffee and a Dew for my Jeff

and a cola for Dot and anyone else

Tags: Fellowship, Friends, Fun, Humor, Music

Views: 493

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hi, Thalia!
It’s a shame I can’t keep it but I have a new toy to play with. . . I’m in a car with an air-card and power inverter!!! I can use my laptop while driving!!! I need one of these!!! Lynn I’m not texting =)
woo hoo! the car has air card? wow! i have Microsoft's "in sync" in my new truck, so that when i talk on the cell phone, the car becomes a bluetooth device. it is soooo wierd.

typing on laptop equals texting, Chris, do NOT try this unless you are a passenger!
Have to agree w/ Lynn on this one Chris about using laptop while driving ...don't know what
an air card is....so can't comment...lol
Have to agree with lynn on texting or typing while driving.I see texting alot driving,to risky,even if u take ur eyes off the road one second or even half,u may avoid have a cause a wreck,may cause ur life or others.Paying attention to others especially the nuts out there driving,drive safe.
Hello all – Lynn, Mary, Kristine and Ladyg

I am grateful for your concern. Yes, I was the passenger I spent my road time trying to do homework. Great to have internet access on the road but it doesn’t do well for items needing broadband like streaming video. Everything else seems fine.

I am home, had a great time at my brothers. I hope ya’ll had a great day yourselves.
so glad you had a good time with your brother, Chris!!!

sorry, i can't get too distressed that you had trouble w/ streaming video, driving down the road with an air card.... LOL

my day was sort of mundane, 'cept for getting my hair trimmed for next week's road trip. it turned out better than usual, and i'm happy with it so far! and i got a new purse, and a beach bag to hold the overflow from suitcase, or not, but i liked the native american design, so snatched it up, inexpensive and on sale too. all's well!
Ladyg are we having a wet t-shirt show today? LOL

((((( Ladyg – Lynn – Kristine – Mary )))))

It’s a beautiful day today, hope all of you are doing well.
dream on, Chris! hope it's a peaceful day for you, and you get LOTS of homework done!

hello all my women friends too -- Ladyg, Mary, Kristine!

hope each one of you has a wonderful day!
Ladyg are we having a wet t-shirt show today? LOL

((((( Ladyg – Lynn – Kristine – Mary )))))

It’s a beautiful day today, hope all of you are doing well.

Well yeah, sort of...........do you want to join in Chris.........I don't mind it's raining here.............have to do something to pass the time away. lol
Wow,where was this guy for the past few days when it was and is rainning lol.Good morning and Happy Sunday Chickie mary,ladyg,lynn,chris.Another wet and rainny day today.




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