TBD on Ning

Welcome to the Gathering Place, come in sit a while, refresh

yourself with our brewed coffee, tea, hot coco and a dew or two.

We have fresh baked goodies to nibble on just in case you might be

a tad hungry, too.......Your money isn't any good here, but your

friendship is valued, so come on in and enjoy yourself...if no one is here

please just leave a note to let us know you came by to visit....:)


Mary- Manager

Lynn- Bartender

I also have the Gathering Place...that I set up in a group on EONS...so please drop in

and say hi there too!.......


Hot Coffee and a Dew for my Jeff

and a cola for Dot and anyone else

Tags: Fellowship, Friends, Fun, Humor, Music

Views: 493

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LOL (((Lynn))) I wouldn’t pick on ya if I didn’t love ya!!! =) Yes I know my day is coming – I think there are only four of you in line at the moment: you, nas, whispersoft and joni.
All though Chris is comming along with his pics lol and doing pretty good i might add and yes Chris us women have been known to haven an evil grin or 2 lol
thanks for your support, Kristine! Chris needs to get to know us a bit better, don't you think? my evil grin isn't quite that scary!
Well,ok lynn if u say so lol but we love Chris to,hes a good one and a keeper,plus hes fun.Plus he can come up with some different and sexy pictures lol
i agree, Chris is definitely a keeper!
Well I'm home now...and beat isn't the word I'd use...today was so BUSY in the shop
I didn't even have time to eat anything...back to back....wow if only 3 out 5 days
were like this one.......*sigh*...talk about pulled muscles and then some I didn't even
know I had......lol

Have been getting caught up on whats been going on...and seems I've missed some of
the fun........Big news though........NOT going into work till around 2 tomorrow....I did
everyone today.....except for one client......lol
Welcome back home chickie mary,figured it was a rough long one for ya.Glad u get to sleep in mabe lol
Thanks chickie cat, oh I am sleeping in tomorrow if it kills me or the cat...lol
lol I hear ya there.My daughters comming sometime in the morning,was supose to this afternoon,wish I was sleeping in lol
Cool........not sure what time I'll get here tomorrow night
I've been asked out....am thinking about it.....lol
Oh!sounds like u might have some fun,i say dont knock it till u try it.Is it that guy u been talking to?
lol.......no....he just moved into the Crofthouse as a resident...is a recent widower as well......:) I've cut his hair this week...but he has a wonderful since of humor......the only problem I forsee is that I'm the same age as his kids...lol




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