TBD on Ning

& start a new word with it.

New Game! Yay! Let's start a new game!


I start with... fossil

you take the "l" & make a new word, like: lichen

Tags: Take_the_last_letter_of_my_word, Word_Game

Views: 4960

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And happy Thanksgiving to you too!!

(Dee's works Thanksgiving, so we are having family over for dinner on Sat.)

shopping (the Christmas gift variety)


(like finished Christmas shopping today!!)

delighted (would be if I had a clue about gifts)

depends (on who the gift is for)

silver (and gold)

ring (ing in my ear!!)

great gobs of snow (a bit early for Christmas)

wilting (from the heat)

guests (difficult to believe so much difference in climate)

seventy (9, expecting a high of 83)

yowl (high of 23; low of 18 today; tomorrow more snow)




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